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Her father's name, she said, was Nichaud, and she had first met the prisoner twenty-three years ago in the village of Dalk, in the Department of the Tarne, where, in 1883, he had been convicted and sentenced for stealing bed linen from the Hôtel Kassam. She had remained faithful to him in spite of his disgrace, and had visited him daily in prison, bringing him milk and tobacco.

Just as he expected, Pliny Kassam was not called upon; that must be because he had been absent up to the morning of this same day.

Perhaps it also made Dick more careful than he might ordinarily have been, and in this way worked for good. The bookkeeper's assistant, a young man named Kassam, frequently ate lunch with Dick, as his people lived at a distance, and he did not scorn to bring a bite to the office with him daily.

Those things happen often enough in the stories we read, but in real life very seldom. But there are other ways of getting into trouble, you know." "Just how?" asked his companion, puzzled and not a little worried by the mysterious manner of Kassam.

Menilek, believing that they had nothing more to fear on that side, settled as he best could the claims of Workite, and, accompanied by a large force of his new allies, marched against Magdala. Kassam, he would find on his arrival a party in his favour, who would materially assist him, if not make over the Amba to him at once.

There was a little room back of the offices where some papers and books were kept, such as the big safe could not accommodate, and here the two would often sit and chat as they disposed of their luncheon. Pliny Kassam was a diligent fellow, who meant to make his mark some day; he had a mother and a raft of little sisters at home, for whom he seemed to entertain a sincere affection.