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The cutting of the road was a mere incident in the battle with the wilderness. The jobber, of course, pushed his roads as rapidly as possible, but was greatly handicapped by lack of men. Winter set in early and surprised him with several of the smaller branches yet to finish. The main line, however, was done. At intervals squares were cut out alongside.

"Well and what next?" she asked, guardedly. "Semple came back in twenty minutes or so and the next morning he was at it again and what with him and his jobber, by George, on the quiet, they picked up nearly eighteen thousand of our shares. Some they paid fifteen shillings for, some they got at twelve-and-six and even ten.

Would you care to take the job?" "How much a thousand do you give?" asked Radway. "Four dollars," replied the lumberman. "I'll look at it," replied the jobber. So Radway got the "descriptions" and a little map divided into townships, sections, and quarter sections; and went out to look at it.

However this may be, Pitt, mightiest of all parliamentary ministers of war, refused to be made either a jobber or an exile; whereupon Murray's position was changed from a military command into that of 'Governor and Captain-General. The changes which ensued in the laws of Canada were heartily welcomed so far as the adoption of the humaner criminal code of England was concerned.

His attentions to Miss Flack at a race ball were such that her father said De Mogyns must either die on the field of honour, or become his son-in-law. He preferred marriage. His name was Muggins then, and his father a flourishing banker, army-contractor, smuggler, and general jobber almost disinherited him on account of this connection.

"That's pretty tough," said the other, half disposed to be angry. "I have no control over your prices; I sell your house as I sell him; I advertise the goods so that the jobber could make a profit if he would, but if he won't I cannot compel him to do it. The jobber has no idea of anything but to beat his competitor in buying and then beat him in cutting the price.

It is not 'What will the jobber pay for this? that decides the cost of goods, but 'What will this retail at? Having decided this, then settle on a discount from this price that will pay the retailer a fair profit, and in quoting prices to the retail trade stick pretty close to this. Then the jobber should have a margin of 15 per cent. at least, and yet be able to sell retailers at my price."

You or your jobber makes the ordinary application for a Special Settlement, with your six signatures and so on; and I go abroad quietly, and the office is as good as shut up, and nobody makes a peep about Rubber Consols and the thing works itself. You do see it, don't you?" "I see well enough the things that are to be seen," replied Semple, with a certain brevity of manner.

The marsh received first attention. There the restless snow drifted uneasily before the wind. Nearly every day the road had to be plowed, and the sprinklers followed the teams almost constantly. Often it was bitter cold, but no one dared to suggest to the determined jobber that it might be better to remain indoors.

This was in April, 1849, and, a few weeks later, Madame Dorval was dead. Only on the 23rd of August 1851, a year after his own death, did his executors meet with a director, Monsieur Montigny of the Gymnase, who undertook to stage Mercadet the Jobber.