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Had Pascal been able to find, in all the folios of the Jesuitical casuists, a sophism more contemptible than that which now, as it seemed, sufficed to quiet the consciences of the fathers of the Anglican Church? Nothing could be more evident than that the plan of Regency could be defended only on Whig principles.

Such conviction leads to a Jesuitical contempt of means; in cases where the Puritan shell has grown to be impregnable from the outside it sets up an internal ferment which sometimes bursts shell and man and all into disastrous fragments.

In their answer they called on the king to join them at Westminster; and in a public declaration denounced the proceeding as "a popish and Jesuitical practice to allure them by the specious pretence of peace to disavow their own authority, and resign themselves, their religion, laws, and liberties, to the power of idolatry, superstition, and slavery."

I cannot consent to give pain to my brother Edward: nor will I speak an untruth, though it be to save him from a wound. I am indeed troubled. Mr. Patrick, I cannot consent to despatch a jesuitical letter. You are sure of your impression, my dear Jane? 'Perfectly, said Miss Mattock. Patrick leaned to her.

Was it Jesuitical to doubt the disinterestedness of her advice? I did doubt it. Was it Jesuitical to suspect that she privately distrusted me, and had reasons of her own for keeping me out of her way, at the safe distance of London? I did suspect it. And yet she was such a good Christian! And yet she had so nobly and so undeniably saved Mr. Keller's life!

To my judgment, there’ll be short crops this season, if the rain doesn’t fail quite speedilyThe air with which Mr. Doolittle delivered this prophetical opinion was peculiar to his species. It was a jesuitical, cold, unfeeling, and selfish manner, that seemed to say, “I have kept within the lawto the man he had so cruelly injured.

These paintings were lost with the building, which went down in the flames. One of the great losses was that of St. Ignatius' Church and College, at Van Ness Avenue and Hayes Street, the greatest Jesuitical institution in the west, which cost a couple of millions of dollars.

It would not be possible here to give even an outline of the nature and constitution of this extraordinary society of its secrets and mysteries of the deep dissimulation, consummate hypocrisy, and shocking impiety of its founder and his associates of their Jesuitical arts in concealing their real objects, and their incredible industry and astonishing exertions in making converts of the absolute despotism and complete system of espionage established throughout the order of the blind obedience exacted of the novices, and the absolute power of life and death assumed by the order and conceded by the novices of the pretended morality, real blasphemies, and absolute atheism of the founder and his tried friends.

'Or cried? added the old woman, nodding assent. 'Neither, said the Grinder. 'She kept as steady when she and me oh, I see you will have it out of me, Misses Brown! But take your solemn oath now, that you'll never tell anybody. This Mrs Brown very readily did: being naturally Jesuitical; and having no other intention in the matter than that her concealed visitor should hear for himself.

To this we reply: The plea is as profligate as the act was tyrannical. It is the jesuitical doctrine, that the end sanctifies the means. It is a confession of sin, but the denial of any guilt in its perpetration. It is at war with the government of God, and subversive of the foundations of morality.