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"I know these Cousin Jacks. They've got to have facilities for spending their money or they'll quit you and go to town." "Well, now really, Mr. Jones," began Jepson earnestly, "I'd much prefer to have a dry camp. Of course you are right about the average miner but it's better not to have them drunk around camp."

That fellow Buckbee is a corker. You're too honest, Jepson; you can't act the part, but Buckbee could do it to perfection. You should've been there to see him trim me, when I tried that little flier in Navajoa. Not an unkind word ever passed between us, and yet he busted me down to a dollar. He was a great fellow you ought to know him you could take a few leaves from his book.

"Masten wouldn't take it up, he told Pickett," went on Uncle Jepson. "He'd put it up to you. An' when you'd tackle Pickett about it, Pickett would shoot you. If they was any chance for Chavis to help along, he'd do it. But mostly, Pickett was to do the job. I cal'late that's about all except that I layed for you an' told you to look out." "You heard this talk after after Pickett had "

"'Indeed, I think I have anticipated your wish in the matter; but as time presses, and I must look after all my packing, I shall say good by for a few weeks, and in the evening, Jepson, who stays here, will bring you, "what I mean," over to your hotel; once more, then, good by. "'Good by, my dearest, kindest friend, said I, taking a most tender adieu of the old lady.

"I've grown a beard since those days." "Well, then, how would the British authorities know you?" asked Alice with a smile. "I'm not takin' any chances, Miss," was the answer. And though it might seem to an outsider that it would be safe, under those circumstances, for Jepson to visit British ports, if he kept away from the island where he had been imprisoned, he could not see it that way.

Have you any suggestions for the future?" "Why, yes," returned Rimrock, "since I'm in control I suggest that you leave me alone. I know what you'd like you'd like to have me play dead, and let you and Jepson run the mine. But if you've got enough, if you want to get out, I might take that stock off your hands." A questioning flash came into Stoddard's keen eyes.

Jepson, go below, and if he makes any more trouble, Hen, clap him in irons," he added significantly. For a moment there was silence following this announcement that is, as much quiet as the storm permitted. Then Alice cried out: "Father, won't you say something! Mr. Pertell, you're not going to permit this, are you? I'm sure Jack Jepson is honest and that he is faithfully warning us.

He can stay and help you if you like." "Well, I probably can use him," the commander said, as he looked at Jepson, who was wandering about the deck with a curiously abstracted air. "Sort of funny thinking he knew you, wasn't it?" commented Mr. Pertell, while Alice, Ruth and Mr. DeVere looked on with interest at the various activities connected with getting the Mary Ellen ready for sea.

As the days passed, it became plain to Ruth, as it did to everyone else on the ranch Chavis, Pickett, and Masten included that Vickers had not talked extravagantly in recommending Randerson. Uncle Jepson declared that "he took right a-hold," and Aunt Martha beamed proudly upon him whenever he came within range of her vision. There was no hitch; he did his work smoothly.

While they sat the darkness came on, the kerosene lamp inside was lighted, delicious odors floated out to them through the screen door. Presently a horseman rode to the corral fence and dismounted. "One of the boys, I reckon," said Randerson. Uncle Jepson chuckled. "It's Willard," he said. He peered into Randerson's face for some signs of emotion. There were none.