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Week after week for thousands and thousands of miles she sailed. She had travelled from Rio de Janiero over 10,000 miles and had only sighted a single sail a longer journey than any ship had ever sailed without seeing land. "Shall we see the island to-day?" the boys on board would ask Captain Wilson. Day after day he shook his head.

John T. Averill was also a native of Maine. He had won the rank of Brigadier-General in the war, and had afterwards become extensively engaged in manufacturing in Minnesota. James Monroe from the Oberlin district, Ohio, was a man of cultivation and of high character. He had served for several years in the Legislature of his State, and had been Consul-General at Rio Janiero under Mr.

On the 18th of January, 1823, I hauled down my flag, hoisted in the Montezuma schooner the only vessel which the suspicious jealousy of the Chilian ministers had left me and sailed for Rio de Janiero in the chartered brig, Colonel Allen, though my brother's steamer, the Rising Star or rather the Chilian Government's steamer, upon which he had a lien for money advanced for its completion and equipment was lying idle at Valparaiso.