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My brother and his wife and children are coming up from Calcutta, and THEN I shall be the priest of the synagogue. Jackrael Israel, the old man, would crawl out in the stifling evenings to sit on the rubbish-heap and watch the corpses being borne down to the river.

Jackrael Israel and Hester sat alone in the empty house all day, and, when Ephraim returned, wept the easy tears of age till they cried themselves asleep. A week later Ephraim, staggering under a huge bundle of clothes and cooking-pots, led the old man and woman to the railway station, where the bustle and confusion made them whimper.

'It will not come near us, said Jackrael Israel feebly, 'for we are the People of God, and my nephew will be priest of our synagogue. Let them die. He crept back to his house again and barred the door to shut himself off from the world of the Gentile. But Miriam, the wife of Ephraim, looked out of the window at the dead as the biers passed and said that she was afraid.

Miriam the wife of Ephraim, two little children, an orphan boy of their people, Epraim's uncle Jackrael Israel, a white-haired old man, his wife Hester, a Jew from Cutch, one Hyem Benjamin, and Ephraim, Priest and Butcher, made up the list of the Jews in Shushan.

In the house on the outskirts of the city old Jackrael Israel and Hester grumbled that there was no one to wait on them, and that Miriam had been untrue to her race. Ephraim went out and collected bills, and in the evenings smoked with Hyem Benjamin till, one dawning, Hyem Benjamin died, having first paid all his debts to Ephraim.