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The free display of ivories as we approach, the expectation of fraternal recognition so plainly evident in his face, and the friendly and respectful, rather than obsequious, manner of saluting, tell something of that levelling tendency of the wheel we sometimes hear spoken of.

When we consider the peculiar beauty of the architecture and ecclesiastical sculpture in France during the Middle Ages and the period of the renaissance, and of the enamels, ivories, and other small works of art, it is wrong to regret that painting was not also practised by the French as assiduously as it was in Italy.

Scarcely had he uttered these words, when from behind the lye-leach, the smoke-house and the trees, emerged the little darkies, their eyes and ivories shining with the expected frolic.

"You needn't 'massa' me, Cyd. Stop!" "Which'll I do, Massa Dandy, stand by de moorings, or stop?" demanded Cyd, whose ivories were now distinctly visible in the gloom of the night. "Neither; jump into the bateau, and bring the wherry alongside," replied Dandy. "Gossifus! What you gwine to do wid de wherry?" "Mind me, or go on shore!" said the skipper, sternly. "I'se gwine.

Bernward of Hildesheim had a branch for ivory carving in his celebrated academy, to which allusion has been made. Ivory drinking horns were among the most beautiful and ornate examples of secular ivories. They were called Oliphants, because the tusks of elephants were chiefly used in their manufacture.

As Crocker took in vaguely bits of Hispano-Moresque and mellow ivories, a broad medal or so and a well-poised Renaissance bronze, a Japanese painting on the lighted wall, and one or two drawings by great contemporaries, Emma's friends, he was amazed at the quality of everything. A sense of extreme fastidiousness rebuked, in a way, his more indiscriminate zeal as a collector.

You must share it, you know. Knocks at Mrs. Jack and Jim. Thank you, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am. Exit MATTIE into MRS. CLIFFORD'S. Jim. Now, Jack, what's it to be? Jack. I believe I shall spend it in St. Martin's Lane. Jim. A ha'p'orth on it's mine, you know, Jack. Jack. Well, you do put the stunners on me! Jim. She said we wos to divide it she did. Jack. 'Taint possible. It beats my ivories.

"Do you know, Rebecca," I said, "I don't choose my friends for their mental qualifications for what they know; I select them just as people do horses by their teeth. Let me see yours." Rebecca laughed most musically, thus disclosing two brilliant rows of ivories. I had noticed them before. "You'll do!" I exclaimed, lightly. "I take you into my heart of hearts. Now, what is your standard of choice?

I turned to the toilet-table fearing it might prove an incongruity, but it was in perfect keeping with the room, and I began at once to look forward to seeing it laid out with all the manifold ivories and silver of Doris's dressing-case.

We may suppose, indeed, that if those of the French had found their outlet in painting alone, we should have pictures of wonderful beauty, of a beauty moreover of a markedly different kind from that of the Italian or Spanish or Netherlandish pictures. But on the other hand we should have perhaps lost the amazing fascination of Chartres, and the delights of Limoges enamel and ivories.