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If he had only guessed that I was the bearer of a letter addressed to your Highness, in which his plans were revealed, I should not have got off so easily." "No; you would have been lost!" replied the Grand Duke. "And how did you manage to escape?" "By throwing myself into the Irtych." "And how did you enter Irkutsk?"

The current swept him away, his hand raised for an instant above the waves, and then he disappeared. Nadia uttered a cry, but before she had time to throw herself after him she was seized and dragged into one of the boats. The boatmen were killed, the ferryboat left to drift away, and the Tartars continued to descend the Irtych. OMSK is the official capital of Western Siberia.

Ivan Ogareff had been barely three days at Omsk, and had it not been for their fatal meeting at Ichim, and for the event which had detained him three days on the banks of the Irtych, Michael Strogoff would have evidently beaten him on the way to Irkutsk. And who knows how many misfortunes would have been avoided in the future!

In devoting herself to her service, Nadia secured to her youth and beauty the protection afforded by the age of the old prisoner. On the crowd of unhappy people, embittered by sufferings, this silent pair one seeming to be the grandmother, the other the grand-daughter imposed a sort of respect. After being carried off by the Tartar scouts on the Irtych, Nadia had been taken to Omsk.