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Peaslee's reflections rose in a strophe of hope and fell in an antistrophe of despair. "'T ain't likely it hurt him any just bird shot," said Hope. "Bird shot's mighty irritatin' specially to a wrathy fellow," said Despair. And alternating thus, his thoughts ran on: "Bird shot'll show I didn't have any serious intent; but mebbe a piece of the marble struck him.

You ain't dangerous when you rant around, an' I know it; but you're most uncommon irritatin'. We didn't run any risk in our ride to-day, an' it proved 'at my way o' feedin' is the right way. You don't own a pair o' hosses 'at can go out to-morrow an' keep in sight o' Starlight an' the pinto.

Next day, them same ontootered children of the woods an' fields would demand four bits for every head they he'ps round up an' return to the bunch. It's a source of savage revenoo, troo; but plumb irritatin'. Them Injuns corrals sometimes as much as a hundred dollars by sech treacheries. An' then we-all has to rest over one day to win it back at poker. "Will Injuns gamble?

I've come here in good faith. I've been in camps like this before in Kelso's, Dave Rance's, Blondy Larkin's, an' some others. Them men are outlaws like you an' me; an' they've done things that make them greater than you an' me in our line. But I've visited them, free an' easy goin' an' comin' whenever I pleased. An' no man threatenin' me. "Your manners is irritatin' to me I'm tellin' you so.

"But I'm intrudin' on your dinner," he said "your luncheon, I should say. The woman goes on irritatin' of him, but he must expect of that, she bein' his wife. But what a misfortune! He'll be back again in no time, and what'll happen then? It won't improve him, shut up in one of them low prisons!" Then, raising his old face to Hilary: "Oh dear!

There's not another man could ha' nursed the Breslau for eight months to that tune. Never again never again! They may send their boats to the bottom, for aught I care." "There's no need," said Janet, softly. "We're done wi' Holdock, Steiner & Chase." "It's irritatin', Janet, it's just irritatin'. I ha' been justified from first to last, as the world knows, but but I canna forgie 'em.

He's been pesterin' an' irritatin' about the post-office for mighty like an hour, when all at once he crosses over to the Red Light an' squar's up to the bar. He don't invite none of us to licker jest himse'f; which onp'liteness is shore received invidious. "'Gimme a cocktail, says this Signal person to the barkeep.

"I congratulate you," said the editor; "but I hope there still remains a White Violet, and that, for the sake of literature, she has not given up" "Mrs. Bowers," interrupted Mr. Bowers, with singular deliberation, "found that makin' po'try and tendin' to the cares of a growin'-up famerly was irritatin' to the narves. They didn't jibe, so to speak. What Mrs.

"I wasn't there at the time," sez Piker in an irritatin' voice, "but I know that it was because he spoke about it bein' a little peculiar that you held such wonderful good hands on your own deal." Dick didn't make no reply, but he slipped his hand inside his shirt, an' I knew he had his gun there.