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Had it been a magnificent building, whose proportions they were to admire and discuss; had a gate of fair marble stood open to admit the visitor; had even the flag of his country waved where he slept, they could not have felt so solemnized but to stand before this simple building, that shelters his sarcophagus from the elements; to lean upon unadorned iron gates, which guarded the sacred spot from intrusion; to look up and count the little birds' nests in the plastered roof, and the numberless hornets that have made their homes there too; to pluck the tendrils of the wild grapes that cluster here this simple grandeur affected each one.

"I did hear, Cousin Arthur, that the Wyncote estate was growing to be valuable again; some coal or iron had been found." "So my mother writes me," said Tarleton. "We are old friends of your family." "You know," I said, "we are the elder branch." I was bent on discovering, if possible, the cause of my cousin's annoyance whenever Wyncote was mentioned.

'Yet hearkening, as a coward does, through the brushing of the wind, and echo of far noises, I heard a sharp sound as of iron, and a fall of heavy wood. No unmanly shriek came with it, neither cry for mercy. Carver Doone knows what it was; and so did Alan Brandir. Here Lorna Doone could tell no more, being overcome with weeping.

It consists of a primary coil of No. 20 B. and S. gauge cotton covered magnet wire wound on a core of soft iron wires while around the primary coil is wound a secondary coil of No. 30 magnet wire. Get a standard telephone induction coil that has a resistance of 500 or 750 ohms and this will cost you a couple of dollars. The Microphone Transformer.

The poor barren plains of Brandenburg and Pomerania rule over the smiling vineyards and romantic mountains of the south and west. The German people are governed more completely from Berlin and Potsdam than the French were ever governed from Paris and Versailles. And they are governed with an iron hand.

They seemed, however, to have some knowledge of iron, which the inhabitants of some other parts had not; for they willingly took nails for their fish, and sometimes seemed to prefer it to every thing else that we could offer, which had not always been the case.

A fusillade of shots and a babel of yelling from outside interrupted his words. The chief paid no attention to the uproar. "Your soldiers are here. The building is on fire, but you are safe. I am Iron Hand."

"Say, my lad? why, I say that but for this hardy wench of mine, who, instead of retreating behind the strong walls of the house, flung open with her own hands the iron gates to let us in, we should by this time have been in sorry plight enow, had we not all been dead men.

When he had finished speaking, the prioress stayed the slipping of her rosary between her fingers, and said to him: "Could you procure a stout iron bar between now and this evening?" "For what purpose?" "To serve as a lever." "Yes, reverend Mother," replied Fauchelevent.

The style of the parable of Jesus and the simple words of the "Pilgrim's Progress" entered into his thinking like iron into the rich blood of the physical system. His thought was as clear as crystal, his language the simple home words, full of music and old associations. Lincoln knew what he wanted to say, said it, and sat down.