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Gambit, including very full accounts of his own habits of body and other affairs; but of course he knew there was no innuendo in her remark, since his spare time and personal narrative had never been charged for. So he replied, humorously "Well, Lydgate is a good-looking young fellow, you know." "Not one that I would employ," said Mrs. Mawmsey. "Others may do as they please." Hence Mr.

Joseph Brown, Q.C., had to rely upon his innuendo "meaning thereby Joe Smith was a rogue" and was very eloquent as to slander unspoken but expressed by signs and tone. After an exhausting speech he sat down and buried his head in his bandana, as his habit was. Hawkins got up, and turned Mr. Joseph Brown's speech to ridicule in two or three sentences.

Thus far, then, had Furneaux's queer method been justified. He had hit on the one certain means of restraint on an act of vandalism. The picture now stood between Trenholme and the scoffing multitude. It was his buckler against the shafts of innuendo. Rather than lose it before his actions were vindicated he would suffer the depletion to the last penny of a not altogether meager bank account.

Still, this mystery renders it difficult for you to procure the assistance of a friend in a crisis so delicate nay, let me add, that many persons will even consider it as a piece of Quixotry in M'Intyre to give you a meeting, while your character and circumstances are involved in such obscurity." "I understand your innuendo, Mr.

Ever watching, with bloodshot eyes, the good things of others, she hates them for their possessions, longs to possess them herself, lets her covetousness gnaw hourly at her very vitals, and yet, in conversation with others, slays with slander, vile innuendo, and falsehood, the reputation of those whose virtues she covets.

Coventry making no reply, he continued conversationally: "You never inquired into her past history, I suppose, when you engaged her brother as your agent?" Inwardly Coventry anathematised the promise he had given Ann to keep their engagement secret for the present. It sealed his lips against the innuendo contained in Forrester's speech. "I certainly did not," he responded frigidly.

Hostile cartoonists used the phrases with an infinite variety of innuendo. But the most powerful evidence was still to come. On September 15, 1884, Fisher and Mulligan made public additional letters which Blaine had not possessed at the time of his defence in 1876.

Indeed, any little jealousy her lovely presence might occasion was usually summed up in the terse innuendo, "Fine feathers make fine birds." To dress well is to dress appropriately to time, place, and season.

Lily was acutely aware of her own part in this drama of innuendo: she knew the exact quality of the amusement the situation evoked. The crude forms in which her friends took their pleasure included a loud enjoyment of such complications: the zest of surprising destiny in the act of playing a practical joke. Lily knew well enough how to bear herself in difficult situations.

"No one could believe that you you're simply wonderful!" and added, pointedly, "But your daughter is even more beautiful, if such is possible, than her her mother." Apparently, the innuendo passed unnoticed; in reality, it required all her courage to appear calm. "How very nice of you," she said softly; and looking him full in the face: "Her mother thanks you for the compliment."