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A Porrione, a Porrione. Viela, viela; date a ognuno. Alle mantella, alle mantella. Oltre di corsa; non vi fermate. Voltate qui; ecco costoro; fate veli innanzi. Viela, viela; date costi. Chi la fa? Io Ed io. Dagli; ah, ah, buona fu. Or cosi; alla mascella, al fianco. Dagli basso; di punta, di punta. Ah, ah, buon gioco, buon gioco. And thus it goes on with fire and animation for pages.

On 26th November he heard Mass for the last time in S. Maria del Fiore, and on the 28th he departed si partì el Re di Firenze dopo desinare, e andò albergo alla Certosa e tutta sua gente gli andò dietro e innanzi, che poche ce ne rimase, says Landucci thankfully.

"Quando fui desto da certi rumori Di buon sonagli ed allettar di cani" he began to blink; with the quick direction to the huntsman "Deh, vanne innanzi, presto Capellaio," he stifled a smile. But the calling of the hounds by their names broke down his guard. Angioletto shrilled them out in a high, boyish voice

If I met individuals, whom Petrarca would call gente cui si fa notte innanzi sera, I have nevertheless a high respect still, for the whole nation: and although in this christian old, and new world it is difficult, very difficult to find a friend, not only I have a friend in America; but, I know many whom, though not my friends, I respect and esteem; and could I know the many virtuous, who generally, and unfortunately, are always the most retired, I am sure to find such a number in America sufficient to shame those, who spoke badly of the whole nation, from which they cannot deny a Franklin received his birth.