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Down yonder's only where they stay and raise Cain." "Yes," admitted Shorty, who had not so much reason for being enthusiastic; "but the Wisconsin boys say that Wisconsin's as much finer than Injianny as Injianny's finer'n Tennessee. I'll take you up there some day and show you." "Don't believe a dumbed word of it," said Si, hot with State pride. "God never made a finer country than Injianny.

The summit of the ridge was crossed and a number of camps appeared along the slope. "Wonder which one o' them is the 200th Injianny's?" said Si to Shorty. "I thought the 200th Injianny was so much finer rijimint than any other that you'd know it at sight," said Harry Joslyn, with a shade of disappointment in his voice. "I would know it if I was sure I was lookin' at it," answered Shorty.

"Goodness, what kin I do to keep from gitting lost in all that crowd?" wailed Pete Skidmore, and the others looked as if his fears also struck their hearts. "Just stick closs to the 200th Injianny and to me, and you won't git lost, Pete," said Shorty. "The 200th Injianny's your home, and all real nice boys stay around home."

I'll take the man with the light," commanded Shorty. The three rifles cracked in quick succession and the three men dropped. "Bully, boys," ejaculated Shorty, as he reloaded. "You'll do. The 200th Injianny's proud o' you." "I hit my man in the leg," said Harry, flushing with delight, as he bit off another cartridge. "Jerusalem, I wish they'd send another one down."

What're you doin' down here in this hole? Ain't Injianny good enough for you?" "Injianny's good enough on general principles, but just now there's too much Abolition malaria there for me. The Lincoln satraps 've got the swing on me, and I thought I'd take a change of air. I've come down here to see if there weren't some chances to make a good turn, and I've done very well so far.

"It's goin' to be a big smash this time, sure," said Si. "And the 200th Injianny's got a front seat at the performance. We'll show them how to do it, and we're just the ones that kin. Brace up, boys. The eyes of the whole army's on us. They expect big things from us." "Here she goes, I guess," he continued, as a bugle sounded at headquarters.