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Who is there that would not worship thee, seeing that thou seekest virtue, having abandoned the wrath cherished by thee for thirteen years? By good luck, O sire, thy heart today followeth in the wake of virtue. O thou of unfading glory, by good luck, thy understanding inclineth towards compassion.

The theistic phase of thought is an inevitable one in human evolution, but it is no more a permanent one than is the belief in hobgoblins. One might here paraphrase Bacon and say, "A little philosophy inclineth a man to belief in the gods, but depth in philosophy leads to their rejection as a false and useless hypothesis."

The Kauravas will today behold Partha with his car broken, his horses killed, his valour gone, and himself sighing like a snake. Let the Kauravas, following their own will go away taking this wealth of kine, or, if they wish, let them stay on their cars and witness my combat." "Kripa said, 'O Radheya, thy crooked heart always inclineth to war.

Do thou bid retire each into her own apartment and then go thou about and divert thyself with gazing on them, without their knowledge. 'O Mesrour, answered Haroun, 'the palace is mine and the girls are my property: moreover, my soul inclineth not to aught of this. 'O my lord, said Mesrour, 'summon the doctors and sages and poets and bid them contend before thee in argument and recite verses and tell thee tales and anecdotes. 'My soul inclines not to aught of this, answered the Khalif; and Mesrour said, 'O my lord, bid the minions and wits and boon-companions attend thee and divert thee with witty sallies. 'O Mesrour, replied the Khalif, 'indeed my soul inclineth not to aught of this. 'Then, O my lord, rejoined Mesrour, 'strike off my head; maybe, that will dispel thine unease and do away the restlessness that is upon thee.

'Her house inclineth unto death, and her paths unto the dead. 'She hath cast down many wounded; yea, many strong men have been slain by her. ATTEN. These are dreadful sayings, and do show the dreadful state of those that are guilty of this sin. WISE. Verily so they do.

When the slave-girl heard these words she said, "O my lord, indeed a secret is not lost whereof thou art the secretist; nor shall any affair come to naught for which thou strivest. Know that my heart inclineth to thee and would interest thee with my tidings, but do thou give me the letter." Then she told him the whole story, adding, "Allah is witness to whatso I say."

The fire of Thy love that burneth continually within me hath so inflamed me that whoever among Thy creatures approacheth me, and inclineth his inner ear towards me, cannot fail to hear its raging within each of my veins.

"Dhritarashtra said unto her, 'O auspicious one, let it be as thou sayest. O excellent one, ask thou another boon, for I will give it. My heart inclineth to give thee a second boon. Thou dost not deserve only one boon. "Draupadi said, 'I ask, O king, that Bhimasena and Dhananjaya and the twins also, with their cars and bows, freed from bondage, regain their liberty.