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Better see if you can't get a wagon and team. We'll have to haul it home somehow." The brother of Tomaso started perceptibly. "A rancho? But that is not possible, señor!" "Oh, ain't it? I'll show yuh, then." "Oh, no! No importa. If it is a rancho in this countree, me, I'm find it without trobles for you."

"Non un importa!" said the stranger with a graceful wave of the hands. Hillard looked quickly into the gentleman's face. "I am clumsy," he said in Italian. Then the other stared at him, and smiled. For a moment there was a brief tableau, in which each took the other's measure and noted the color of the eyes.

"Nothing now, dear: if I need anything later, I will tell your mother when she comes." "Mamma does not understand French very well." "No importa, Conchita; le hablare en Espanol." "Bien, entonces!" she responded, with the same exquisite smile. "Adios, senor!" ...

My brother, she's try starting that engine. She's don't go. Got no crank nowhere. She's got no gas. Me, I'm scare my brother starts that engine. I'm jomp down like hell. I'm scare I maybe would fly somewhere and fall down and keel. No importa. She's jus' sets." Johnny turned white around the mouth, but he shook his head. "Pretty good, Tommy. But you better look out.

"How much money must you carry home?" "Two dollars." "But it isn't your fault, if people will not give you money." "Non importa. He beat me." "He ought to be beaten himself." Phil shrugged his shoulders. Like most boys of his class, to him the padrone seemed all-powerful. The idea that his oppressive taskmaster should be punished for his cruelty had never dawned upon him.

DOÑA MATILDE. No importa, porque precisamente tengo decidido el salir por la ventana. BRUNO. ¿Por la ventana? DOÑA MATILDE. Por esa reja, quise decir, cuya llave tienes , y que está tan baja que con la ayuda de una silla, cualquiera puede.... BRUNO. Según eso, ¿usted cree que yo le voy a dar la llave? DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Por qué no?

DON EDUARDO. El caso es que cada cual tiene su amor propio ... y para ... la verdad ... no puede ser plato de gusto el entrar en tu familia como un pobretón. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Qué importa eso? DON EDUARDO. A mucho ... y se me caería la cara de vergüenza. DOÑA MATILDE. Pero, hombre, ¿no ves que tu tío te tiene, por fuerza, que perdonar también pronto?

"Some ambitious foreman," I mused, and went on with my queries: "Occupation?" "Pico y pala," he answered. "Pick and shovel!" I exclaimed "and read those?" "No importa," he answered, again with that elusive shadow of a smile, "It doesn't matter," and as I rose to leave, "Buenos dias, senor," and he turned again to his reading.

XI, p. 195: ...y hecho esto pasaréis adelante con el negocio como os está ordenado, con toda brevedad, pues veis lo que importa'. This occurs in a letter dated 'Madrid, 8 de otubre de 1575'. There seems to be a mistake in the heading of this letter: according to this heading, the letter from the Supreme Inquisition reached Valladolid on October 8, 1575.

All parts of the saddle were brought back, and, being capable of repair, he was satisfied with six reals. We thought it would have been a few dollars. We pointed to the horse, which was now half-way up one of the mountains; but he shook his head, saying, ``No importa! and giving us to understand that he had plenty more.