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Then, and only then, will the Trust of God, latent in the reality of man, emerge, as resplendent as the rising Orb of Divine Revelation, from behind the veil of concealment, and implant the ensign of its revealed glory upon the summits of men’s hearts.

IMAGE. What are the image and likeness of God into which man was created, 182, 134. Image of the husband in the wife, 173. See Phantasy. All in hell are in the immodesty of adulterous love, 429. IMMORTALITY. Man may no longer be in doubt through ignorance respecting his immortality, after the discoveries which it has pleased the Lord to make, 532. IMPLANT, to.

It is scarcely possible to overrate the importance of acting with judgment towards children. From the smallest beginnings, incurable defects of mind and permanent disease of body will gather strength, grow and obtain the mastery, till they carry off the sufferer, or implant vices that, like evil spirits, will torture the victim during his life's career.

"And so I thought: wherefore words and superfluous exclamations! To the devil with hypocritical speeches during conventions. Here, I'll up and act as a really honest man, snatch a girl out of this slough, implant her in real firm soil, calm her, encourage her, treat her kindly." "H-hm!" grunted Nijeradze with a grin. "Eh, prince! You always have salacious things on your mind.

In other words, this institution keeps them from evil so long as they can have recourse to it, but does not implant within them a principle which, in the event of their being deprived of this privilege, would cause them to forego their comfort and recreation, rather than seek them amid debasing associations. On this point then I am avaricious. I want the church to control all schemes of reform.

"But then," he said to God: "since Thou dost implant this idea in me so violently that I cannot even discuss it, in spite of its entire common sense for after all it is not necessary to immure myself in a Trappist monastery in order to reconcile myself to Thee then let me go!" And he spoke to God quietly.

I think one may fairly claim some respect from this later day for a writer who seventeen years ago, of his own motion, with scarce a word of encouragement save from his wife and a friend or two perhaps only one friend turned to our Gaelic past and strove to give to Irish children something which would implant in them a love for the beauty and dignity of their country's traditions.

Upon the admission of Ohio to Statehood in 1803, the remainder of the North-west territory became the Territory of Indiana. These frequent rebuffs by Congress, together with the constantly increasing emigration from the Free States, prevented the taking of any further steps to implant Slavery on the soil of that Territory.

If you'll only try to implant within him good principles, and teach him that kindness of heart that always results in a true courtesy, it will benefit him more than all the fashionable notions you can gather from the external example of your neighbor Airly's children, I can assure you. This life is too noble and too dignified to be frittered away in vain attempts after a worthless outside.

Every living Jew the very memory of the dead demands justice; and as individuals have it in their power to contribute to the general honour or disgrace, it is our duty to implant the purpose that animates us in the hearts and understandings of all our brethren.