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When he entered, almost exhausted, he told in great excitement of his encounter. Immediately Ilia decided to go forth himself against the enemy, and all the entreaties of his knights could not restrain him.

It was occupied by the Romans, and in aftertimes it was either a royal residence or a royal demesne, so early as the union of the Saxon Heptarchy; for there is a record extant of a council held there in 838, at which Egbert, the first king of all England, and his son Athelwolf were present; and in this record it is styled Kyningenstum famosa ilia locus.

Probably an ardent Kingstonian would indignantly disown the impression our three words are apt to give of the place. It is a rapidly growing town, and "Egbert, the first king of all England," who held a council at "Kyningestun, famosa ilia locus," in 838, would be at a loss to find his way through its streets could he revisit it. It has the population of a Saxon county.

The lovers are still pleading anxiously with each other when a subterranean noise is heard, the statue of Neptune rocks, and a solemn voice pronounces the will of the gods in majestic accents. Idomeneo is to renounce the throne, and Idamante is to marry Ilia and reign in his stead. Every one except Electra is vastly relieved, and the opera ends with dances and rejoicings.

The various muscles which exert their effect upon the pelvis in changing their relationship between the long axes of the ilia and spinal column, are concerned but little more in propulsion and weight bearing than are the pectoral muscles.

Then with a sudden sob the pageant ceases: Ilia cantat, nos tacemus: quando ver venit meum? Quando fiam uti chelidon ut tacere desinam?

In the village, while a cow is sold for payment, the police inspector is bribed by a factory owner, who thus escapes taxes altogether. And again a village court scene, and a sentence carried into execution the lash! "Ilia Vasilievich, could you not spare me that?" "No." The peasant burst into tears. "Well, of course, Christ suffered, and He bids us suffer too." Then other scenes.

The greatest act of the Emperor Charles V. was that when, in imitation of some of the ancients of his own quality, confessing it but reason to strip ourselves when our clothes encumber and grow too heavy for us, and to lie down when our legs begin to fail us, he resigned his possessions, grandeur, and power to his son, when he found himself failing in vigour, and steadiness for the conduct of his affairs suitable with the glory he had therein acquired: "Solve senescentem mature sanus equum, ne Peccet ad extremum ridendus, et ilia ducat."

Each ghostly figure stood by itself apart from its companions, each one worked at its task alone, and only their voices mingled in harsh dismal unison as, with the next stroke of the solemn bell, they chanted "Dies ilia dies irae, Calamitatis et miseriae!" "No!" shrieked Varillo suddenly, shaking the gateway like an infuriated madman "What are you doing in there?

So far regarding Alba and Albanians. The story of Rome follows. Aventinus begat Numitor and Amulius. Numitor while king was driven out by Amulius, who killed Numitor's son Ægestes in a hunting party and made the sister of Ægestes, daughter of the aforesaid Numitor, Silvia or Rhea Ilia, a priestess of Vesta, so that she might remain a virgin.