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You've done the trick twice; do I have to look out for you every time I take the car out?" "I just happen to be in a hurry," said Packard. "And going your way. Somebody shot my horse back there for me." Her eyes grew actually round; Iki shivered audibly. But in the girl's case the emotion aroused by Packard's words was short-lived. Why should a man shoot the horse under Steve Packard?

Then, his face suddenly serious again, he considered her speculatively. Now for the first time he became aware that Terry was already carrying a passenger. A small man, Japanese, immaculate, and frightened so that his teeth were chattering. He was Iki, who had come into Red Creek this evening by train and due to cook for the Temple ranch.

In the meanwhile, after consultation at Yedo, it was decided that, as Gotô Yamato no Kami and Midzuno Setsu no Kami were related to Kôtsuké no Suké, and might meet with difficulties for that very reason, two other nobles, Ogasawara Iki no Kami and Nagai Hida no Kami, should be sent to assist them, with orders that should any trouble arise they should send a report immediately to Yedo.

"Oh, shut up!" she cried, shaking his hand free from hers on the wheel and driving on recklessly. "I would like to mention," came an uncertain voice from a very pale Japanese, "that I must walk on my feet. I am most regretful " "Oh, shut up!" cried Terry. "Shut up!" And for the rest of the ride both Iki and Steve Packard were silent.

"Good morning," he called cheerily, highly content with life just at this moment. "Fine day, isn't it?" Terry looked at him coolly. Then she turned her back and went into the house. Iki, the new cook, looked at her wonderingly. "To me it appears most probable certain," said the astute Oriental within his soul, "that inhabitants of these wilderness places have much madness within their brains."

War was now inevitable. Kublai massed 25,000 Mongol braves in Korea, supplemented them with 15,000 Korean troops, and embarking them in a flotilla of 900 vessels manned by 8000 Koreans, launched this paltry army against Japan in November, 1274. The armada began by attacking Tsushima and Iki, islands lying in the strait that separates the Korean peninsula from Japan.

From the Japanese sailors' sketch it appeared that a little west of the Dazai Fu was the island of Hirado, which, being surrounded on all sides with plenty of water, afforded a good anchorage for the ships. It was decided subject, apparently, to Kublai's approval to occupy Hirado first, and then summon General Hung, etc., from Iki, to join in a general attack.

All his retainers were quietly dispersed; and his empty castle was ordered to be thrown open, and given in charge to Midzuno Iki no Kami. At last Kôtsuké no Suké began to feel that the death of his wife and his own present misfortunes were a just retribution for the death of Sôgorô and his wife and children, and he was as one awakened from a dream.

That he had been one of the great of Nuka-hiva was certain; the fact was stamped indelibly upon his person, and though worn and faded to the ghastly green of old copper, it remained to proclaim his lineage and his rank. "Kaoha te iki!" said this ancient, as he stood in the path. "Kaoha e!" I saluted him. "Puaka piki enata" he said further, and pointed down the trail. What could he mean?

In Tsushima, the governor, So Sukekuni,* could not muster more than two hundred bushi. But these two hundred fought to the death, as did also the still smaller garrison of Iki. Before the passage of the narrow strait was achieved, the invaders must have lost something of their faith in the whole enterprise.