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And the little stars quivered into being, to peer at the young poignancy of feeling which cannot know what it contributes to the world... Everything was idyllic that is, almost idyllic till, suddenly Uncle Charlie spoke: "Isn't that Saunders coming up the street?" Why, oh why, did Mr. Saunders have to come and spoil everything?

The consequence of his propinquity, however, has been that he has dropped in several times lately on his way home, but generally at a later hour. "Oh, please don't move and spoil the picture," he cried. "Oh, you idyllic pair! And what are you playing? Cribbage! If I had been challenged to guess the game you would have selected for your after-dinner entertainment, I should have sworn to cribbage!"

Day after day as a little boy I longed for home surroundings and home affections as eagerly as the hart desires the water-brooks. But memory pushes all that aside, and obstinately insists on regarding the whole period in an idyllic and buoyant light. I walk round the borders, which are all full of the little glossy spikes of snowdrops pushing up, struggling through the crusted earth.

Thereafter followed for me a strangely peaceful, idyllic day all save its ending. Looking back on it, I know that the sun which set that evening went down on the last of my happiness. But it all seems trivial now. My companions were accomplished botanists, and here, for the first time, I found myself on common ground with both.

It strikes me as idyllic it's a touch of real poetry in the rough-and-tumble prose of our economic life." He referred this to me as something I might appreciate in my quality of literary man, and I responded in my quality of practical man: "There's certainly more rhyme than reason in it." He turned again to the minister: "I suppose the ideal of the Christian state is the family?"

Then on to Pretoria, the same kind of a town on a larger and richer scale trim bungalow houses, for the most part, spread out among gardens full of roses, honeysuckle, and syringa. But at the station all day and night the scene was not idyllic. Every hour train after train moved away stores and firewood in front, horses next, and luggage vans for the men behind.

You lived an idyllic existence, for a time, in a tumble-down cottage at Suresnes, with a garden that went down to the river. Poor, of course you were; poor as church mice. But who fears poverty when hope and love are singing on the bough! I really think quite your best work was done during those years at Suresnes. Ah, the sweetness, the tenderness of it!

At a wayside restaurant I partook of an omelette and some wine, and was charged for the idyllic repast a thaler and a half. Not until eleven o'clock did I return home to find a summons awaiting me from the General. Our party occupied two suites in the hotel; each of which contained two rooms. It was here that he was awaiting me as he stood posed in a majestic attitude beside his writing-table.

Among the men of this company, suffice it to mention the name of the poet Guarini, whose fame has become enduring on account of his charming and idyllic drama, Il pastor fido, for he it is who seems to embody that sprightliness of wit which gave to Ferrara at that time its gladsome reputation.

If now and again the touch is too idyllic, it was still a prodigious gain to let the country know in a definite way that of the fifty million arpents of cultivable land in the realm, more than one quarter lay either unbroken or abandoned.