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There are several sanatoriums in this country where the diet, hydrotherapy and exercise necessary for developing heart strength are carried out, and patients are sent to some of them with great advantage. It has been found that these stimulant baths do not act well in mitral stenosis, if the left ventricle is small.

With hydrotherapy and the other natural methods they have treated successfully typhoid fever. diphtheria, smallpox, appendicitis, cerebro-spinal meningitis and all other acute diseases.

The Treatment of Acid Diseases In severe cases which have reached the chronic stage, the treatment must be supplemented by the more aggressive methods of strict diet, hydrotherapy, curative gymnastics, massage, manipulation and homeopathic medication. Fasting Next in importance to building up the blood on a natural basis is the elimination of waste, morbid matter and poisons from the system.

It is surprising what a great amount of impurity can be drawn from the body by means of wet packs. However, this is a treatise on health, so we shall not go into details here regarding hydrotherapy. No matter what one's ideas may be on the subject of bathing, there can hardly be more than one opinion regarding the application of dry friction to the skin.

During the entire period I saw the patient only twice, the simple directions being carried out faithfully by his relatives. Hydrotherapy Treatment of Chronic Disease

If for any reason the kidneys secrete less urine and become insufficient, the diet should quickly be reduced to a small amount of milk, cereal and water, and hot baths and local heat to the back should be inaugurated. Hydrotherapy is often of great value in restoring compensation by improving the surface circulation.

In serious chronic cases any single one of these methods, whether it be pure food diet, hydrotherapy, massage, spinal treatment, mental therapeutics or homeopathy, is not by itself sufficient to achieve satisfactory results or to produce them fast enough.

Since I have begun hydrotherapy, however, I feel a little less like a COW, and this evening I am going to begin work without looking behind me. I have left my apartment in the rue Murillo, and I have taken a larger one which is next to the one that my niece has just reserved on the Boulevard Reine Hortense. I shall be less alone next winter, for I cannot endure solitude.

With the anæmic obese, however, it is necessary to be most circumspect in prescribing forced exercise; also with the elderly obese possessed of enfeebled or fatty heart. Hydrotherapy, especially in the form of cold douches, particularly when combined with massage, is often of considerable value in relieving obesity; the method of Harmman, of St.

She has been obliged to leave off painting, which is her sole distraction. All the usual tonics do no good. Three days ago, by the orders of another physician, who seems to me more learned than the others, she began hydrotherapy. Will he succeed in making her digest and sleep? in building up her strength?