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Jim used to slip it into his hand behind the door; but his mother she heard the chink. She didn't hold with hush-money. She'd write out all her feelin's on the slate, an' Jim 'ud be settin' up half the night answerin' back an' showing that the man had the law with him. 'Hadn't that man no trade nor business, then? 'He told me he was a printer.

"Nothing," responded Lance. Neither of the estimable couple spoke or moved under an announcement so incredible to them, and he went on "Gerald Underwood would rather lose everything than give hush-money to enable him to be a robber, and my elder brother would certainly give no reward for what would be the greatest grief in his life." O'Leary grinned as if he wanted to say, "Have you asked him?"

Courtland, he was travelling to the historic town in the West Riding to claim a legacy his old colonel he had been in the army had left him for saving his life. The name Geoffrey Lester had assumed on entering the army was Clarke. IV. Hush-Money

From the exact spot where C. was clearing the timber, there is an uninterrupted view of the gallery on the south side of the nave, and of the arched doorway at the head of St. Wrytha's Stair." "'Well," observed Jettison, "that proves what I'm saying. It wasn't hush-money.

I heard it said it belonged to some of the big people up town, and that she was getting hush-money for it, but I don't know as it was true. People will talk." "Do you know what became of that baby?" asked Edith, with ill-repressed excitement. Her face was still very pale, and her forehead contracted as by pain. "No, ma'am.

Therefore, whatever Collishaw saw, before or at the time that accident happened, it wasn't Bryce who was mixed up in it. Therefore, why should Bryce pay Collishaw hush-money?" Mitchington, who had evidently been thinking, suddenly pulled out a drawer in his desk and took some papers from it which he began to turn over. "Wait a minute," he said.

"I have a letter of yours, and several of Amulya Babu's." I could not see that the letter marked "urgent" to which I had been hurried into writing a reply was wanted urgently for this purpose only! I am getting to learn quite a number of things. The point now is, that the police must be bribed and hush-money paid to Mirjan for his boat.

Can steal the brat easily enough; but if I can't find out who it belongs to, you see it will be trouble for nothing." "No, I don't see any such thing," answered Nell Peter. "If you can't get hush-money out of its mother, you can bleed Fanny Bray." "That's so, and I'm going to bleed her. The mother, you see, thinks the baby's dead.

He consented to reduce the tax to two millions of dollars, if Gotzkowsky would guarantee the punctual payment of the bonds given by the body of merchants, and give two hundred thousand of it in cash down, as hush-money to the Austrians. The latter declared himself gladly willing to accept the orders, and to stand security with his whole fortune for their payment.

He came in the ostensible interests of the hunted cat and damaged property belonging to the waiting-room; but the elders of the party regarded him to be more intent on obtaining `hush-money, wherewith to blot out Rover's misdeeds and line his own pockets at the same time.