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I was a babe, I was an infant in swaddling clothes, compared with them; and they humbugged me, ay, me! till I began to suspect that I was only walking in my sleep. "'Why, Monsoon, said the general, 'they told me you were a sharp fellow, and yet the people here seem to work round you every day. This will never do. You must brighten up a little or I shall be obliged to send you back.

As soon as it was known that Meiggs had fled, the town was full of rumors, and everybody was running to and fro to secure his money. His debts amounted to nearly a million dollars. The Hamburg house which, had been humbugged, were heavy losers and failed, I think.

I don't believe any doctor would be humbugged into believing that Edgar is anything like eighteen." "Well, I will write to my father this afternoon and hear what he says. If he thinks I cannot do any good and they don't want me at home, I shall be very pleased to come to you." Captain Clinton's letter came by return of post.

However, all's fish that comes to one's net. Well when Sir Coupland had told me his story, he said casually: 'What's all this Mrs. Bailey was telling me about your finding the room so dark? I humbugged a little over it, and said my eyesight was very dim. Whatever he thought, he said very little to me about it. Indeed, he only said that he was not surprised.

Yet it was Barnum himself who said that the public delights in being humbugged, and strange it is that we will not allow ourselves to be thimblerigged without paying for the privilege. Nordau's success hinged on his audacious assumption that the public knew nothing of the Law of Antithesis.

Her voice faltered a little; she had never thought to quote this fantasy in her own defence, for she secretly believed that old man Vickers must have been humbugged by some worldly brother skilled in drawing the long bow himself. Nehemiah Yerby seemed specially endowed with a conscience for the guidance of other people, so quick was he to descry and pounce upon their shortcomings.

"Was there ever such a confounded take-in?" "Well, I really don't know," said Mr. Chillingworth; "but it seems to me that he must have gone out of that door that was behind him: I begin, do you know, admiral, to wish " "What?" "That we had never come here at all; and I think the sooner we get out of it the better." "Yes; but I am not going to be hoaxed and humbugged in this way.

George, I am surprised that a man of your sound commonsense should permit yourself to be humbugged so egregiously.... Yes, yes, I am aware that an accident led you to take Simmonds's place in the first instance, but can't you see that the Devar creature must have gone instantly on her bended knees if she ever does pray, which I doubt and thanked Providence for the chance that enabled her to dispose of an earldom?... At a pretty stiff price, too, I'll be bound, if the truth were told.

She was, without knowing it, such an adept in society humbug, that she even humbugged herself. She betrayed herself as she betrayed others, and told little soothing lies to her own conscience as she told them to her friends. There are plenty of women like her, women of pleasant courtesy and fashion, to whom truth is mere coarseness, and with whom polite lying passes for perfect breeding.

A constable neatly humbugged a footman, and I may here mention the incident, though it is subsequent to the episode of this chapter. One house we took in London was in Glendower Place, and when the servants arrived, my wife found that the footman's face was covered with sticking-plaster.