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He needed little clothing, as his skin was very brown and his strong body magnificent. He was an acceptable prisoner to Bauda, who had charge of the making and repair of roads and bridges, so Huahine was quickly sentenced and put to work with others who were paying their taxes by labor.

The giant Tahitian sailor of the schooner Papeite, Huahine, was in the local jail, charged with desertion; a serious offense, to which his plea was love of a woman, and that woman Weaver of Mats, who had her four names tattooed on her right arm. Huahine, seeing her upon the beach, had felt a flame of love that nerved him to risk hungry shark and battering surf.

English missionaries came to Tahiti in 1797; but after twelve years' residence, during which they made no progress, and were constantly in danger from the frequent wars, they retreated to Sydney, in New South Wales, leaving two only of their number in Huahine and Eimeo, two of the Society Islands.

It is not necessary that we should describe this celebrated voyage, with which every boy is familiar its storms and hurricanes; the landings on islands where the white man's face had never been seen before; the visits to the simple natives of Huahine and Otaheite, then a little Eden; the perilous coasting along the North American seaboard to Behring's Straits, in search of the North-Western passage; and finally, the wintering of the ships at Owyhee, where Captain Cook met his cruel death, of which young Riou was a horror-struck spectator from the deck of the Resolution, on the morning of the 14th of February, 1779.

The Polynesian's hand went out, and Tudor, shaking it, was staring into his face. "Who is it?" he asked. "I can't see you." "Utami." "And who the dickens is Utami? Where did I ever meet you, my man?" "You no forget the Huahine?" Utami chided. "Last time Huahine sail?" Tudor gripped the Tahitian's hand a second time and shook it with genuine heartiness.

You know how John Williams, after founding the church in Huahine, moved to Raiatea, in the Hervey group, and thence sailing forth, discovered the then savage Raratonga, where the devoted Papehia landed to commence the work which he was afterwards enabled to perfect.

In Ponape, Huahine, in Easter Island, you may see great idols that have been felled like this, temples slowly dissolving from sight, and terraces, seemingly as solid as the hills, turning softly and subtly into shapeless mounds of stone. Next morning the light of day filtering through the trees awakened Emmeline in the tent which they had improvised whilst the house was building.

They understood the greeting, but replied, "Iorana," and he knew they came from the Society Group. "Huahine," one of his sailors unhesitatingly named their island. Grief asked them whence they came, and with giggles and laughter they replied, "Huahine." "It looks like old Dupuy's schooner," Grief said, in Tahitian, speaking in a low voice. "Don't look too hard. What do you think, eh?

Those from above watched the four surviving desperadoes, clutched and locked, dragged far down beneath and drowned like curs. In ten minutes everything was over. The Huahine women, laughing and giggling, were holding on to the sides of the whaleboat which had done the towing. The Raiatean sailors, waiting for orders, were about the cross-tree to which Captain Glass and Mataara clung.

"There was only one kanaka who came out of the Huahine that last voyage, and that kanaka was Joe. The deuce take it, man, I'm glad to see you, though I never heard your new name before." "Yes, everybody speak me Joe along the Huahine. Utami my name all the time, just the same." "But what are you doing here?" Tudor asked, releasing the sailor's hand and leaning eagerly forward.