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"I'm going to ask Elinor if Hannah Ann and Henry can't come in town Saturday for the 'housebreaking," she said to Patricia as they climbed the stairs. "I think it would be very nice for them to see all our friends. They're such urbane dependents."

On his head was an automobile cap, and his face was covered with a bunch of eelgrass three feet deep. He was surely all the money. As I drew near I could hear Mr. Diggs expatiating on crime in general and housebreaking in particular, and I fancied I could also hear Bunch boiling and seething within. "Mr.

Now, a wipe is the easiest booty in the world, and the Artful Dodger might grow rich without the exercise of the smallest skill. But wipes dwindled, with dwindling sensibility; and once more the pickpocket was forced upon cleverness or extinction. At the same time the more truculent trade of housebreaking was winning a lesser triumph of its own.

I owe all three of you a dressing down for things that happened at Chatford, and now you'd better mind your P's and Q's if you don't want to be hauled up for housebreaking." With this parting threat the ex-Philistine left the carriage. Mugford, Jack, and Diggory gazed at one another for a moment with anything but a happy look on their faces.

I'm with you to search his rooms for that paper." Underneath his British phlegm I could see that he was as keen on the thing as Jack Sedgwick. Looking back on it from this distance, it seems odd that two reputable citizens should have adventured into housebreaking so gaily as we did.

"What do you say, sir?" asked Mdlle. de Cardoville. "For if they should be arrested," resumed Dr. Baleinier, without answering her, "as they have been guilty of housebreaking and attempted burglary, they would be sent to the galleys." "Heavens! and for my sake!" "Yes; it would be for you, and what is worse, by you, that they would be condemned." "By me, sir?"

Wiley, "for I'm about sick o' movin' it round when I sweep under my bed. And I shall be glad if Rose an' Stephen do make it up, for Wealthy Ann Brooks's gossip is too much for a Christian woman to stand." XIV. Housebreaking Where was the pale Rose, the faded Rose, that crept noiselessly down from her room, wanting neither to speak nor to be spoken to? Nobody ever knew.

"Passionate!" repeated Ned. "Well, I am a little choleric, I own it; but that is not so great a fault on the road as it would be in housebreaking. I don't know a thing that requires so much coolness and self-possession as cleaning out a house from top to bottom, quietly and civilly, mind you!" "That is the reason, I suppose, then," said Augustus, "that you altogether renounced that career.

Do you and your co-signatories include in German science and art the science and art of housebreaking? Are the law professors and the economists willing to defend such a manner of acquiring property? And, if so, what becomes of your penal code? You and your co-signatories affirm that the present struggle is directed against "German culture."

His wife bringing every year a child, contributed not a little thereto. However, Dick rubbed on mostly by thieving and as little by working as it was possible to avoid. When he first began his robberies, he went housebreaking, and actually committed several facts in the city of Oxford itself.