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Then she stopped. "Go on. You might as well tell her," said Mr. Bobbsey, laughing. "I know!" exclaimed Freddie, who was all over his fright now. "It's about a boathouse and " "A houseboat!" interrupted Bert. "You've got the cart before the horse, Freddie." "That's it!" exclaimed Nan. "Papa has bought the Marvin's houseboat, Mamma, and we're going to have lovely times in it this summer."

"I don't see how they ever got in here before." Miss Jenny Ann laughed from the depths of a large box, where she was folding sheets and placing them in neat piles. "Remember, we have added a number of tin pans to our store since we came aboard the houseboat. But don't worry, dear. We will get all the belongings packed in time."

Bobbsey, the twins and the cousins looked at the strong wire fence, they saw Mr. Hardee come along the shore. He looked at the houseboat, and shook his fist, grinning in no pleasant fashion. "I guess you won't go no farther!" he cried. "I've put a stop to your fancy trip all right! Huh!"

Our houseboat would have had to have a church-boat for a consort to make it otherwise. Yet, as Sunday after Sunday Gadabout lay in her quiet creek harbours, the spirit of the day seemed to find her there without the call of church chimes.

Yet her efforts had been in vain. He had always been hard to control. In the last few years he had broken away from all restraint. He had been concealed in the motor boat that first towed the girls and their chaperon to their anchorage and had seen his sister on the houseboat. His plan had been to get money from her.

"Tom and I stopped at 'Forest House' to tell you that we are ready for you. We wish you four girls to be our guests as soon as you can make ready to come to us. Your uncle and aunt have given their consent to the arrangement. We leave it to you and Nellie to communicate with Lillian, Phil, and Miss Jenny Ann. You must rally the houseboat party.

While they were doing this, they made the simple-minded fellow tell his story. "Describe those two fellows," said Dick, and Captain Starr did so. The description was perfect. "Dan Baxter and Lew Flapp!" cried Tom. "Of course, you didn't send that message?" asked the captain, of Dick. "I did not, captain. It was a trick to get you away from the Dora and steal the houseboat." "Is the craft stolen?"

Before long an old homestead came in sight on a hill to our left, and we knew that it must be Lower Weyanoke. But an impassable marsh stretched along the stream, and there was no sign of a landing or of a roadway that might lead to the house. We kept on, curious now to see how far our houseboat could go. Suddenly we found out.

We are spending our holiday on a houseboat not very far from here. We would love to have you come." "I am not allowed to leave the island or to go among people," the girl replied. "My father says I have no sense. So, if I wander away, or talk to strangers, people will think that I am crazy and shut me up in some dreadful, dark place." Tears of sympathy rose to Phyllis's eyes.

For two hours the girls tramped about the boat yards in search of their treasure. They saw canoes and motor boats of every size and kind, and models of private yachts, but not a trace of a houseboat could they find. The representatives of the various boat companies whom they interviewed suggested the building of a houseboat at a cost of anywhere from six hundred to a thousand dollars.