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One day an old man and his wife came up to visit the Hospice and to pay their respects to the monk who had founded it. Bernard met them there, and at once recognized his father and mother. He received them sympathetically, and they told him the story of their lost son. Bernard spoke to them tenderly of the work to which God must have called him.

The inn, or rather hospice for the sounding name of hospice is more applicable to it than the common one of inn was built at a great expense by the late Duke of Newcastle. It is an immense lofty cottage with projecting eaves, and has a fine window to the east which enlightens a stately staircase and a noble gallery.

To Bernard de Menthon is due the credit of the mountain hospice. He was the originator of the idea and the founder of the institution. He has since been canonized as a saint and he well deserved the honor, if it be a virtue to sacrifice oneself, as we believe, and to try and save the lives of one's fellows! It is no easy existence which St. Bernard chose for himself and followers.

"The leaflet will give you the details. It's decay of the optic nerve a Russian from St. Petersburg. Both eyes completely blind, the nerves destroyed, and he saw light yesterday for the first time. He'll be down from the Russian hospice about eleven. We expect a cure to-day or to-morrow." "Well," said Father Jervis, "we mustn't detain you. Then, if we look in about eleven?"

At the Hospice the dripping lasses found a hospitable welcome from the handsome monk who does the honours there.

The poor for whom a hydropathic course is recommended, can have it under the regulations made by the committee that is to say, if there is a vacant place. There are trattorie and cafes at the hospice, where refreshments may be obtained both good and cheap. Meat is to be sold there at the prices current in Biella; bread at two centimes the chilogramma more, to pay for the cost of carriage.

The cliffs of Telegraph Hill browbeat it. It is, one might say, the last of its race. Another hospice if it was a hospice I remember. It stood on the corner of Clay and Sansome Streets, and was a very ordinary building, erected over the hulk of a ship that had been stranded there in the days of Forty-nine.

The college at Madrid was founded by Father Theobold Stapleton , and was used principally as a hospice for the reception of Irish priests who had completed their studies, and who came to the Spanish capital to receive the money guaranteed by the king to enable them to return to Ireland.

Jan looked at them, and as he looked, something changed those white-capped things into snowy peaks of the mountains around the Hospice, while the dark places between were changed to chasms and crevasses, where Barry, Pluto, Pallas, Rex and all the dogs of the Hospice had travelled year after year for ten centuries past. He heard their voices calling him.

Of all the men who surrounded the Emperor, no one was more absolutely devoted to his slightest wishes. A government decree, in the month of June following, determined that the body of Desaix should be carried to the Hospice of St.