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This seems to show that whatever other nations may have done in associating Virgo with Demeter, Ceres, Diana etc. the Egyptians made no doubt of the constellation's connection with Isis and Horus.

Horus is bitten, the Boy of the marsh city of Ateh, the Child in the House of the Prince. Horus is bitten, he in whom there was nothing abominable, the son, the youth among the gods. Horus is bitten, he whom I guarded to look upon. I have wished for the life of his heart. Calamity hath befallen the child on the water, and the child hath perished."

The kernel of the story appears to be this: Osiris is the god of the earth, and his life is the life of the vegetation, dying and reviving with the course of the seasons, mourned by his wife Isis and succeeded by his son Horus, the sun-god. It is apparently a form of the common Tammuz or Adonis story of the Semites. This fact brings with it a suggestion which requires consideration.

The other form of Horus, "Horus, son of Isis," has also a body of retainers, the Shemsu-Heru, or "Followers of Horns," who are spoken of in late texts as the rulers of Egypt before the monarchy. They evidently correspond to the dynasties of Manes, or "Ghosts," of Manetho, and are probably intended for the early kings of Hierakonpolis.

One of the forms of Horus is described as being "blue-eyed," and the colour of the face of Osiris is often green, and sometimes black.

Just before Horus is a smaller but massive structure, known as the Tower of Set. The elevation of Osiris above sea level is six thousand six hundred and thirty-seven feet, that of Horus six thousand one hundred and fifty feet, and of the Tower of Set five thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven feet.

And Horus, the son of Isis, in the form of a hawk-headed staff, took up his abode there with his mother Isis; in this manner did these things happen. Some texts seem to indicate that peals of thunder were caused by the fiend Set.

Horus is protected by his own name and heart, and the gods go round about him to make his funeral bed; and he who is under the knife is protected likewise." "Wake up, Horus! Thy protection is established. Make thou happy the heart of thy mother Isis. The words of Horus shall bind up hearts, he shall cause to be at peace him who is in affliction.

Hence the ceremonies observed by the Egyptians over the human dead were an exact copy of those which Anubis, Horus, and the rest had performed over the dead god.

They all looked to see if the amulet had been dropped in the room, if it was under the table. But it was nowhere to be found; the eye of Horus was concealing itself. "It was probably only a fake," Freddy said, "if you bought it in Luxor. I'll try and get a genuine one for you for ages and ages they were the commonest of all amulets, judging by the number we find.