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Now he left before she did, which was a remarkable thing, and tramped eastward to Fourteenth Street and Sixth Avenue, where he took the car. He had read that scores of applicants were applying at the office of the Brooklyn City Railroad building and were being received. He made his way there by horse-car and ferry a dark, silent man to the offices in question.

Yet no American seems to have any scruple about adding an extra hundred weight or two to an already villainously overloaded horse-car; and I have seen a score of American ladies sit serenely watching the frantic straining of two poor animals to get a derailed car on to the track again, when I knew that in "brutal" Old England every one of them would have been out on the sidewalk to lighten the load.

So I, quoting my juniors, begin my talk with the sentence for the raciness of which I apologize "What American women do not know about nervousness is torn out!" Only this week in a city horse-car I watched the faces of my fellow-passengers, women, most of them with a pain at my heart.

Sewell had not so much of what he called his flying-charity fund by him, but he instantly resolved to advance the difference out of his own pocket. "It's to get me an outfit for horse-car conductor," said Lemuel. "I can have the place if I can get the outfit." "Horse-car conductor!" reverberated Sewell. "What in the world for?" "It's work I can do," answered Lemuel briefly, but not resentfully.

"Just keep walking until you see a lot of Jewish people. It isn't far from here." With which he slipped a silver quarter into my hand and made Gitelson bid me good-by The two then boarded a big red horse-car I was left with a sickening sense of having been tricked, cast off, and abandoned.

I seemed to remember his round, red face and when he put down an oar, and waved his hand, grinning and showing where his front teeth ought to have been, I recollected him instantly. He was the boy who had driven the horse-car from Squid Cove yesterday afternoon. Now, he let his boat float down alongside the "Hoppergrass." "Have you heard about the Comp'ny?" said he. "No, what about it?" "Gee!

As soon as I felt able to bear the horse-car journey I went out to Cambridge to see him. I had knocked once at his door, the friendly door that had so often opened to his welcome, and stood with the knocker in my hand when the door was suddenly set ajar, and a maid showed her face wet with tears. "How is Mr. Longfellow?"

There is no horse-car in the picture, that is the only real difference between then and now in our Charlesbridge, perennially young and gay. Have there not ever been here the same grand ambitions, the same high hopes, and is not the unbroken succession of youth in these? As for other life on the horse-car, it shows to little or no effect, as I have said.

That he might be a man of some importance at home was evident, but he had lost his head in the bustle of this great town, and was at the mercy of all advisers, none of whom could understand his mongrel language. As we came out to take the horse-car, he saw his helpless daughters driven off in one hack, while he was raving among his meal-bags on the sidewalk.

In the days when New York's traffic moved at the pace of the drooping horse-car, when society applauded Christine Nilsson at the Academy of Music and basked in the sunsets of the Hudson River School on the walls of the National Academy of Design, an inconspicuous shop with a single show-window was intimately and favourably known to the feminine population of the quarter bordering on Stuyvesant Square.