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If the horrible-looking old fellow had concealed his ghastly eyes by colored glasses, the effect would not have been so disagreeable; but it was absolutely frightful to see him rolling his head, as he played, and every now and then staring with the whites of his eyes full in the faces of his unseen audience.

Masirewa liked to show off his English, though no one understood a word, and his favourite way of addressing them when he was annoyed was "You all black devil pigs." Whilst I was skinning my dove, the people brought in a horrible-looking carved figure with staring eyes. It was about five feet high, and they waxed very merry, whenever I looked up at it from my skinning.

The head disappeared to give place to the visages of two horrible-looking men, the same brutes who were present when Balcom had spread the net of his conspiracy. "When the jack of clubs," droned the witch, "and the " With barely a sound the two thugs entered the room behind Eva. In the hand of one was an old gunny sack. " and the queen of hearts "

And now Mark's eyes had become so accustomed to the darkness that he could dimly see that the place was full of a steamy mist, through which horrible-looking, ill-defined figures were moving, wild-eyed and strange.

As that was impossible I called loudly to the nurse, and awoke her from a sound sleep! She came muttering to my bedside, and inquired what was the matter? "Look at William's eyes!" said I. "Is he dead, or is he alive? What is the meaning of those horrible-looking, unearthly eyes? Why DON'T you speak?" "Don't be a fool," replied the nurse, sharply, "and let shadows frighten you out of your wits."

Something was moving among the stones in front something with great, hairy, shoggling legs, and a body the size of a thrush and much the same colour. A spider, could it be, of such enormous size? Yet it was; and as truly repulsive and horrible-looking a monster as ever made human flesh creep at beholding. Whack! The stone flung by Holmes struck the ground beside the creature; struck it hard.

Frost got very red and as soon as he had finished undressing Palmer, hurriedly left the ward. The wound in my face had almost healed and I was a horrible-looking sight the left cheek twisted into a knot, the eye pulled down, and my mouth pointing in a north by northwest direction.

She had placed herself, as usual, at her little work table, and had been either working or reading I forget which for some time, and felt in her usual health and serene spirits. Raising her eyes, and looking towards the door, she saw a horrible-looking little man enter. He was dressed in red, was very short, had a singularly dark face, and a most atrocious countenance.

In this circle there burned a great fire, and at a little distance from the fire were gathered eight or ten horrible-looking beings, who appeared to be rejoicing over something that lay upon the ground. They were small in stature, men and women together, but no children, and all of them were nearly naked.

Farther on was another boiling spring, of far greater dimensions, a horrible-looking caldron, the water dark and muddy, and in ceaseless agitation. "Here is a pot suitable for the witches' caldron in Macbeth," cried out Manley. He was rather ahead of me, and on overtaking him I found him standing by the side of a circular basin whose diameter we calculated to be fully twenty feet.