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On the ocean's beach, on the shores of the inland seas, on the banks of great rivers, in the heart of the forest, on the rugged hills of New England, on southern Savannas, on western prairies, or among the mountains beyond, the region, the scenery, the climate, the social laws may be diverse, yet homestead-life on the frontier, widely varying as it does in its form and outward surroundings, is in its spirit everywhere essentially the same.

The sky that bends over all, and the sun that sheds its light for all, are symbols of the oneness of the animating principle in the home where woman is the bright and potent genius. We have spoken of the western form of homestead-life because the frontier-line of to-day lies in the occident.

If you are sick, all that sympathy and care can devise is done for you, and all this is from the heart. Homestead-life, and woman's influence therein, is modified to some extent by the different races that contributed their quotas to the pioneer army.

A faithful picture of life in these French settlements possesses an indescribable charm, such as that conveyed by the perusal of Longfellow's Acadian Romance of "Evangeline," when we see in a border settlement the French maiden, wife, and widow. Different types, too, of homestead-life are of course to be looked for in different sections.