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I clung to my own home-people that fortnight as I had never done before. Their voices, their ways were all so pleasant and familiar to me, after the constraint in which I had been living. I might speak and do as I liked without being corrected by Madame Rupprecht, or reproved in a delicate, complimentary way by Monsieur de la Tourelle.

She had considered what she could do with his money both for her home-people and for those she spoke of vaguely as "the poor." But now she was making the discovery that she could not do very much for these "poor." "It isn't that my husband is mean," she said. "On the contrary, the slightest hint will bring me any worldly thing I want.

"I was hoping that here, among your home-people, your sanity would partially return." "I know what you have been hoping, Douglas. And I am sorry but I am quite unchanged." "Have we not been getting along happily here?" he demanded. "No, I have not I have been wretched. And I cannot have any peace until you no longer haunt me.

Adrian continuing to lecture on the excelling virtues of wise cookery, a thought struck her: Where, where had she tossed Mrs. Berry's book? "So that's all about the home-people?" said Richard. "All!" replied Adrian. "Or stay: you know Clare's going to be married? Not? Your Aunt Helen" "Oh, bother my Aunt Helen! What do you think she had the impertinence to write but never mind! Is it to Ralph?"

I clung to my own home-people that fortnight as I had never done before. Their voices, their ways were all so pleasant and familiar to me, after the constraint in which I had been living. I might speak and do as I liked without being corrected by Madame Rupprecht, or reproved in a delicate, complimentary way by Monsieur de la Tourelle.

There were countless treasures to be had for the taking, and the very dust in the little streets was precious with specks of gold: but the poor children shivered for the want of a mother's love; they all pined for the dear home-people. If a certain task seemed to them particularly irksome, the heartless queen was sure to find it out, and oblige them to perform it, day after day.

Pixie was entered in the school-lists as "Patricia Monica de Vere O'Shaughnessy," but no one ever addressed her by such a title, not even her home-people, by whom the name was considered at once as a tragedy and a joke of the purest water. Mrs O'Shaughnessy had held stern ideas about fanciful names for her children, on which subject she had often waxed eloquent to her friends.

Ale was all well enough; but wine ! Not only would they live like kings through the winter, but in the spring they would take back such a treasure as would make their home-people stare even more than at the timber and the wheat. "You need have no fear concerning Leif's temper," Sigurd whispered in Helga's ear.

It seemed odd to put a postage-stamp on birch bark, and I smiled to think how surprised the home-people would be to get such a letter. They were surprised, and they told me afterward that the postman laughed when he delivered it."

Adrian continuing to lecture on the excelling virtues of wise cookery, a thought struck her: Where, where had she tossed Mrs. Berry's book? "So that's all about the home-people?" said Richard. "All!" replied Adrian. "Or stay: you know Clare's going to be married? Not? Your Aunt Helen" "Oh, bother my Aunt Helen! What do you think she had the impertinence to write but never mind! Is it to Ralph?"