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And Topham’s face was sober when he had finished. The gambler brought the top book of the pile down on the bar with a thud. "I don’t like it!" "Jus’ ornery meanness, warn’t it? There’s always a few hombres in any outfit as tries to push when they gits a slug or two under their belts," Nye observed. "True. Only Helms went out of his way this time. And I’d like to know what triggered him into it.

There ain't any reason or sense about death. It just goes around, hit or miss, like a lizard snapping flies." There was a moment's silence during which the three stared at the Elephant. Then Jack cleared his throat and said casually, in his gentle voice: "You're going to have a devil of a job enforcing your liquor ruling, Boss. It'll make trouble with the whites and more with the hombres."

"Ye, Manuel an' Pedro drag that carrion off the right-av-way, an' tell him when he wakes up av he values his life to shtay out av rache av me two hands. The rest av ye hombres git the hell out av here!" The two whom he called by name did his bidding and the rest scattered like sheep. Pat turned to Barbara. "'Tis sorry I am that ye should see ut, me girl, but ut had to be done." "Oh, Pat!

The Valencians, in particular, were treated by the Catalonians as a light, trifling, inconsistent people. They were in the habit of saying to me, "En el reino de Valencia la carne es verdura, la verdura agua, los hombres mugeres, las mugeres nada"; which may be translated thus: "In the kingdom of Valencia meat is a vegetable, vegetables are water, men are women, and women nothing."

He was far into the dark valley and within the very shadow of Death. Help must come to him; he could not go to it. Luckily it came. While some were unharnessing the teams, others wert out to fetch firewood. In the darkness one Mexican, thinking he saw a big mesquite root, seized it and gave a tug. It was Loving's leg. Startled and frightened, the Mexican yelled to his mates: "Que vienen, hombres!

He started out into the street and the two jumped him and started to stab him to death. He yelled and the sheriff and his boy was the only folks in all that town dared to go help him. The two hombres shot the sheriff in the arm before he located them and got away. They had finished poor old Dad, though. Mr. Manning's got posses out and will start more at daylight.

I used the spade freely and then dragged the two Irishmen down to the river and stuck their heads in. When they came to, they were both for starting in to kill all the hombres. I argued with 'em but 'twas no use, so I had to hit 'em over the head with a pick-handle and put 'em to sleep. Then I went back and subdued the hombres to tears with the same weapon."

"We'll come at 'em first from the south, and if they don't run straight, we'll have to circle round till they do. But I want to come within shooting distance of them hombres under the trees. See? So fly as low as yuh dare, when we come back." Bland threw on the motor, circled and came volplaning back. He did not complain; he left that for times when he was not flying.

"See here, you hombres, I'm on to you," said Ted. "Now you've got to do the square thing. You've beaten the dancers out of the music, and you've got to get in and furnish it, or I'll tell these punchers who plugged the fiddler's bow." "How did you get on to it?" said Clay, with a grin. "Never mind. Is it a go?" "I reckon it'll have to be," said Clay, looking suggestively at Billy Sudden.

"What word from the two hombres?" Jim shook his head. "One posse got away last night before I warned them. I'm afraid that if the murderers are brought into camp I can't avert a lynching bee." Pen shivered. Sara grunted. "You'd think Pen had lived in a convent all of her life instead of a death pen like New York." "It's so lonesome out here, human life means more to you," said Jim.