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Two years later, De Tourville had been conquered in the famous day of La Hogue, and the remains of the troops which had landed were enabled to return through the instrumentality of a treaty which required their evacuation of the island. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the Swedes and Russians undertook two expeditions very different in character.

He served on Admiral Rooke's flagship at the battle of La Hogue, and, rising in the navy to the rank of warrant officer, bought a ship with the savings of twenty years and fitted it out for unauthorized trade with the East Indies. His daring, skill, and success attracted the attention of the officers of the Company. He was invited to enter the Company's service.

He congratulated them on the victory of La Hogue. He acknowledged with much concern that the operations of the allies had been less successful by land than by sea; but he warmly declared that, both by land and by sea, the valour of his English subjects had been preeminently conspicuous.

Had Napoleon carefully studied French naval history, he would have seen that the disaster of La Hogue was largely caused by the severe weather which prevented the rendezvous, and brought about a hasty and ill-advised alteration in the original scheme.

Meanwhile the Aboukir's sister cruisers, more than a mile away, saw and heard the explosion and thought the Aboukir had struck a mine. They closed in and lowered boats. This sealed their own fate, for, while they were standing by to rescue survivors, first the Hogue and then the Cressy was torpedoed.

Russell, as yet the most prominent of these, was the victor of La Hogue; John Somers was an advocate who had sprung into fame by his defence of the Seven Bishops; Lord Wharton was known as the most dexterous and unscrupulous of party managers; and Montague was fast making a reputation as the ablest of English financiers.

Rupture between Mary and Anne Fuller's Plot Close of the Session; Bill for ascertaining the Salaries of the Judges rejected Misterial Changes in England Ministerial Changes in Scotland State of the Highlands Breadalbane employed to negotiate with the Rebel Clans Glencoe William goes to the Continent; Death of Louvois The French Government determines to send an Expedition against England James believes that the English Fleet is friendly to him Conduct of Russell A Daughter born to James Preparations made in England to repel Invasion James goes down to his Army at La Hogue James's Declaration Effect produced by James's Declaration The English and Dutch Fleets join; Temper of the English Fleet Battle of La Hogue Rejoicings in England Young's Plot

But the commander of the Hogue thought she had been sunk by hitting a mine, and innocently approached the spot of the disaster to rescue such of the crew of the Aboukir as were afloat. The work of mercy was never completed, for the Hogue itself was hit by two torpedoes in the next few moments, and she joined her sister ship.

La Hogue in 1692, Quebec in 1759, and Trafalgar in 1805 were three of the great deciding crises. La Hogue and Trafalgar were purely naval; while Quebec was the result of a joint expedition in which the naval forces far exceeded the military. The general effect of this whole Second Hundred Years' War was to confirm the British command of the sea for another century.

"Its crew were brave and, even with death staring them in the face, kept to their posts. I submerged at once. But I had stayed on top long enough to see the other cruisers, which I learned were the Cressy and the Hogue, turn and steam full speed to their dying sister. "As I reached my torpedo depth I sent a second charge at the nearest of the oncoming vessels, which was the Hogue.