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If they read that thoroughly, they have time for nothing else. What is its reader to do when his journal thrusts upon him every day the amount contained in a fair-sized duodecimo volume, and on Sundays the amount of two of them? Granted that this miscellaneous hodge-podge is the cream of current literature, is it profitable to the reader?

He missed the theaters, the concerts, the passing show of well-dressed women, a hodge-podge of flesh-pots and mental uplift. He got to dreaming of these things nights. Daytimes, he saw plainly that, in this environment at least, Lund was big, and the rest of them comparatively small.

Where has been the mercy, the forbearance, the charity, you have shown to tender consciences of the Church of England, that could not take oaths as fast as you made them; that having sworn allegiance to their lawful and rightful King, could not dispense with that oath, their King being still alive, and swear to your new hodge-podge of a Dutch constitution?... Now that the tables are turned upon you, you must not be persecuted; 'tis not a Christian spirit."

Then what varied scenery, what constant excitement at the landing, what a hodge-podge, a pot-pourri of merchandise! There is nothing like it in the world." "Wait until you see a race with another steamer," said an officious Yankee, who rejoiced in a knowledge which frequent trips had given him. "Are they exciting?" asked the foreigner. "Well I should say!

Out of a dirty hodge-podge of crazy houses, walls black with smoke, little inner rooms which for the first time saw the white light of day, with ragged strips of wall-paper and whitewash among rotten beams and rafters straight and askew, all of which his stubborn labour had made to fall and disappear, and out of those deep-dug foundations, out of that drudging in the dirty ground, those stout walls had grown stone by stone, had risen high into the sky oh, the hard work of it! and, tapering by degrees, had shot up to form that mighty building.

Within the Holy Roman Empire was a vast hodge-podge of city-states, and feudal survivals arch-duchies, such as Austria; margravates, such as Brandenburg; duchies, like Saxony, Bavaria, and Wuerttemberg; counties like the Palatinate, and a host of free cities, baronies, and domains, some of them smaller than an American township.

Who knows what treasures may yet lie hidden in neglected fields, or to what untold wealth the human family may one day fall heir? The subject and treatment, as well as title, of this Lecture are suggested by the answer of the hostess at a Scottish inn to an English tourist, who was inquisitive to know the composition of a dish which she offered him, and which she called Hodge-Podge.

Phyllis's tone was apologetic, but her eyes danced. Chuck looked appealingly at Janet. "You know what I mean," he said. "Of course, it's perfectly plain," Janet replied consolingly. "You thought she was me while all the time she was she and me was me," the hodge-podge of pronouns and their ungrammatical use was too much for poor Chuck. He buried his head in his hands, the picture of despair.

I remembered him as a stolid and deliberate sort of a person, with an amazing hodge-podge of learning, a stamp collection, and a theory about the effects of tropical sunshine on the Caucasian race, to which I have listened half of more than one night, stretched out naked on a freighter's deck. He had not impressed me as a fellow who would be bothered by his nerves.

And in the hodge-podge compilation from himself and others, which he had put together shortly after, the "General Historie," he pathetically exclaims: "Now all these proofs and this relation, I now called New England's Trials.