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Then with a smile which an angel might have given him, the mother went away, and Hinton sat down to write to Charlotte. But he was much moved and excited by those earnest words of love and approval.

Hinton returned with a bottle of the best his money could purchase in ten minutes. A tablespoonful was given to the child. He opened his eyes and seemed revived. "Ah! that is good. I will stay with the little fellow to-night," said Dr. H . "You, madam," he added, looking at Mrs. Home, "are to go to bed. On no other condition do I stay." Hinton and Dr.

"Well, dear," he said, "you must look for some one else. We can't talk over matters to-night. Ask Hinton to stay and dine. There; I must be off, I am very late as it is." Mr. Harman kissed his daughter and she went out as usual to button on his great-coat and see him down the street.

The tea in Bourne's room was very successful, and I should fancy that Hinton did more hard thinking and hard staring when he saw Acton amicably seated with his feet under Bourne's table than he ever did before. The minute he had permission, he flew down the corridor, and exploded bombshell after bombshell among wondering Amorians.

At length the street abruptly ended in a high dead wall, the top of which was not discernible; it seemed, indeed, to be limitless in height. Upon this wall was written in great black letters "There is no way out." Overwhelmed with despair and anguish, I fell upon the stones of the street, repeating aloud "There is no way out." Hinton, Jan. 1877 V. The Bird and the Cat *

Upwards of twenty veins of copper ore have been opened, and the assays give results varying from 30 to 70 per cent. These mines are owned by Messrs. Hooper, Hinton, Halstead, and another. Several thousand dollars have been already expended in prospecting and opening veins, and it was anticipated by the proprietors that the first cargo would be shipped to Swansea, England, this year.

John Hinton, though in no measure comforted, felt it impossible to say more just then, and Mr. Harman, with a face full of care, kept gazing into the fire. John Hinton might have watched that face with interest, had he not been otherwise occupied. After this short silence Mr. Harman spoke again. "You think me very unselfish in all this; perhaps even my conduct surprises you."

She has been sought for in marriage before now, and by men who could give something to meet what she brings, both with regard to money and position." "I have heard of Mr. S.'s proposal," answered Hinton. "I know he is rich, and the son of Lord ; but that is nothing, for she does not love him." "And you believe she loves you?" "Most certainly she loves me." In spite of himself Mr.

Thus we find along the Tarrant, villages known as Tarrant Gunville, Tarrant Hinton, Tarrant Launceston, Tarrant Monkton, etc.; and along the Winterborne we find Winterborne Houghton, Winterborne Stickland, Winterborne Clenstone, etc.; and in like manner we meet with Monkton up Wimborne, Wimborne Saint Giles, and Wimborne Minster along the course of the Allen.

"Thank you for suggesting it I will move him down at once; the bed is well aired, and the sheets are fresh and clean. I will have him moved whenever you can go." She was leaving the room when Hinton followed her. "I said nothing about going. I don't mean to. I can have a blanket and sleep on the sofa. I am not going away, Mrs. Home." "Mr. Hinton, have you no one you care for?