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The last thing heard of him by Peters was, that he had begun a history of the Hili-lite people, from the settlement of Hili-li to 1828. And this reminds me to say that, to Pym and Peters, one of the strangest things in Hili-li was their count of time, which appeared the same as our own.

"Well," began Bainbridge, after a moment's thought, "we were remarking that within our own knowledge and experience, true love has been exceedingly likely to meet with obstructions to its complete fruition: and Lilama and Pym met with a similar experience in far-away Hili-li.

Carpets were not known in Hili-li, so it would be impossible for the hard-pressed people to retire to bed, where, covering the body with a few sheets and some clothing, they might add the carpets, and, in hunger but in safety, remain protected against those freezing blasts till the wind should change.

Nine of every ten of those that began the journey were lost but still, boats continued to arrive at the islands of the Hili-li group. Then, and after five hundred years of peace, the Hili-lites saw that they were to be overrun by barbarians, as their history told them their ancestors had once, in distant lands, been overrun.

Had she been able to get the products of her islands into the markets of the world, she would have been wealthier than Croesus, the Count of Monte Cristo and the Rothschilds, all combined. However, in Hili-li, wealth was not well, not an all-powerful factor; important, but not having the power which in the remainder of the civilized world it possesses.

It proved to have been a peculiar volcano dust or crater ash, which, carried into the upper air, fell at a distance sometimes directly on Hili-li; but rarely so close as within eighty or ninety miles of the central fire.

The result was, that in a very few hours the temperature of Hili-li fell to about zero Fahrenheit, if in December or January; to 60 deg. or 70 deg. Fahrenheit below freezing, if in July or August.

"I will close for this evening by saying that the wedding-party arrived at the island of Hili-li about February 1st the year being 1829. Some time before starting on the tour, Lilama had begun the construction of a new home; and by the time of her return it was completed. Her new residence was not large, but it was elegant.

One of his performances which took place during an exhibition in the presence of the elite of Hili-li, was to leap from an improvised platform, placed eighty feet above the ground, grasp the limb of a tree which projected about thirty feet beneath and several feet away from the platform, instantly drop to another limb, twenty-five feet lower, and then to the ground.

"On still another island, about a hundred miles from Hili-li, but on about the same meridian that is to say, in the same warm air-current, though the heat of the current was there much diminished by dilution the party visited certain ruins which had always greatly puzzled the Hili-lites.