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"Dorrie," said Jack, "Sir Thorald and Lady Hesketh think that we all should start for Paris by the early train. They have already sent some of our trunks to Saint-Lys; Mademoiselle de Nesville" he turned with a gesture almost caressing to Lorraine "Mademoiselle de Nesville has generously offered her carriage to help transport the luggage, and she is going to wait until it returns."

Then the cauldron is tapped, and once more the stream of turquoise flows forth, until the ladle is empty and the moulds are filled to the brim with liquid fire. Such was the work in which Job Hesketh was engaged, and it absorbed him body and soul from year's end to year's end. Job was a giant in stature and strength.

At this point I discovered several paragraphs underlined in pencil, and concluding that the underlining had been done by Paul Harley, I read them with particular care. They were as follows: "According to Hesketh J. Bell, the term Obeah is most probably derived from the substantive Obi, a word used on the East coast of Africa to denote witchcraft, sorcery, and fetishism in general.

"Well done, Mother!" said Alec, and Oliver remarked that if those were today's ducks they were too good for the Milburn crowd, a lot. "I expect she wanted them, too," remarked Stella. "They've got the only Mr Hesketh staying with them now. Miss Filkin's in a great state of excitement." "I guess we can spare them Hesketh," said John Murchison. "He's a lobster," said Stella with fervour.

Good cigar this, Lorne! Where'd you get it?" "They are Indian cheroots 'Planters, they call 'em made in Madras. I got some through a man named Hesketh, who has friends out there, at a price you wouldn't believe for as decent a smoke. You can't buy 'em in London; but you will all right, and here, too, as soon as we've got the sense to favour British-grown tobacco."

The Milburns' doorbell rang very early the morning of the election. The family and Alfred Hesketh were just sitting down to breakfast. Mr Hesketh was again the guest of the house. He had taken a run out to Vancouver with Mr Milburn's partner, who had gone to settle a point or two in connection with the establishment of a branch there.

She had always been a child to Janet, but now Janet was the child. No wonder that Janet was excited. "Might one ask who is the fortunate young gentleman?" Mrs Hamps dulcetly inquired. "It's Harry Hesketh, from Oldcastle... You've met him here," she added, glancing at Edwin.

"What?" "See what others don't." Sir Thorald, a trifle disconcerted, applied himself to caviare and, later, to a bottle of Moselle. "She's a beauty, they say " began Ricky, and might have continued had he not caught the danger-signal in Molly Hesketh's black eyes. "Lorraine de Nesville," said Lady Hesketh, "is only a child of seventeen. Her father makes balloons."

Then were envious nations compelled to see the spectacle of Canadians and Australians rallying about the common flag, eager to attest their affection for it with their life-blood, and to demonstrate that they, too, were worthy to add deeds to British traditions and victories to the British cause." Still no mark of appreciation. Hesketh began to think them an unhandsome lot.

And had she not a romantic soul, far above furbelows a soul which had flung itself into the cause of the "heiress," to the point of keeping the child's secret, even from her ladyship? Hesketh indeed had suffered sharply from qualms of conscience in this respect. But Felicia had spared her as much as possible, by keeping the precise moment of her escapade to herself.