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There is considerable discontent among the crew, many of whom are anxious to get back home to be in time for the herring season, when labour always commands a high price upon the Scotch coast.

Smallbones, who understood this as the signal, immediately slipped round, opened the yard-door, took the herring out of his pocket, and threw it to Snarleyyow.

Just beyond Charles City Court House Torbert encountered Lomax's brigade, which he drove across Herring Creek on the road to Westover Church; and reporting the affair to me, I surmised, from the presence of this force in my front, that Hampton would endeavor to penetrate to the long column of wagons, so I ordered them to go into park near Wilcox's landing, and instructed Gregg, whose division had been marching in the morning along the road leading from Jones's bridge to St.

At half-past five they ate their morning meal of salt herring and porridge. After that Pelle set out with the young cattle, his dinner basket on his arm, and his whip wound several times round his neck.

167. HERRING GULL. Larus argentatus, Gmelin. French, "Goeland argenté," "Goeland

They hardly ever got anything but herring and porridge. People talked with two tongues; Father Lasse was the only one who did not do it. Pelle began to be observant of his own face. It was the face that spoke, and that was why it went badly with him when he tried to escape a thrashing by telling a white lie.

Very elaborate documents, exhaustive in legal lore, on the subject of the herring fisheries, and of the right to fish in the ocean and on foreign coasts, fortified by copious citations from the 'Pandects' and 'Institutes' of Justinian, were presented for the consideration of the British government, and were answered as learnedly, exhaustively, and ponderously.

"If they had fallen overboard, little Delphin would have been here by this!" All Coqueville had to agree, Delphin swam like a herring. But where then could the three men be? They shouted: "I tell you, yes!" "I tell you, no!" "Too stupid!" "Stupid yourself!" And matters came to the point of exchanging blows.

Niurka answered him, starting to speak in a rapid, jerky whisper: "Roly-Poly just came here...Gave Manka the candy, and then started in to put Armenian riddles to us...'Of a blue colour, hangs in the parlor and whistles'...We couldn't guess nohow, but he says: 'A herring'...Suddenly he started laughing, had a coughing spell, and began falling sideways; and then bang on the ground and don't move...They sent for the police...Lord, there's doings for you! ... I'm horribly afraid of corpseses!"

Now, yesterday madame told me to give her two sous' worth of milk and a roll for one sou; to get her a herring for dinner and a bit of cold veal; she had a pound cooked to last her the week of course, for the days when she dines at home and alone. She will not spend more than ten sous a day for her food. It is unreasonable.