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The gown was a few wisps of henna-colored chiffon which fitfully blew, half concealed, half disclosed a scant slip of jade green satin. Flesh-colored stockings, Petticoat decreed, and henna slippers with carved jade buckles. "Now, her hair " he mused, leaning on his folded arms over the back of a chair. He walked slowly round Warble.

The lady herself was dressed in a white coarse muslin turban, her neck profusely decorated with necklaces of coral and gold chains, amongst which was one of rubies and gold beads; her eyebrows and eyelashes were blackened, her hair dyed with indigo, and her hands and feet with henna; around her body she had a fine striped silk and cotton country cloth, which came as high as her tremendous bosom, and reached as low as her ankles; in her right hand she held a fan made of stained grass, and of a square form.

Richard F. Burton ceased to be, and a muscular and powerful Mirza Abdullah, of Bushire, took his place. "I have always wished to see," he explained to a friend, "what others have been content to hear of." He wore long hair and Oriental costume, and his face and limbs were stained with henna.

"Here's a sweet thing. A Mornet model." "... Well, but, my dear, it's the style the line you're paying for, not the material." "No, that hat doesn't do a thing for you." "I've got it. I had you in mind when I bought it. Now don't say you can't wear henna. Wait till you see it on."

"Oh! it is just to please herself, I suppose. I understand that! Besides, nothing is too good for such a figure. But what I admire most is her extraordinary hair." "Which changes its color now and then," observed the sharpest of the three Wermant sisters. "Extraordinary is just the word for it. At present it is dark red. Henna did that, I suppose.

"Worse than that perfumes and soaps, tooth pastes and cold creams, hair tonics and henna dips, silver polish and spot removers pretty near everything or a little of it; but I'm going to come call on all of you when I get my wares sorted out." "Do! Do!" they responded, but she was in and off before they could say more. "Gee, that's a pretty girl!" exclaimed the necktie drummer.

Was it the Real Thing and henna, he wondered, or was it one of those Complete Transformations one sees in the advertisements? "'What are Thrones and Sceptres?" The orange Transformation yes, it must be a Transformation bobbed up again. "'What are the gaieties of the Rich, the splendours of the Powerful, what is the pride of the Great, what are the gaudy pleasures of High Society?"

"In place of the luxurious moulding of the muscles, the use of the hair-bag, or glove, for removing the dirt, and the profusion of perfumed soap, with which the Turks end a course of treatment full of delight, the Persians are occupied in staining the beard and hair black, the nails of the toes and fingers of a deep red, and the whole of the feet and hands of a yellow colour, by different preparations of henna.

She submitted to the tire-women who were to prepare her for the ceremony, uttering no protest as they filed off her beautiful white teeth and blackened them with lime, nor when they painted the palms of her hands and the nails of her fingers and toes red with henna.

"All that you picture so entrancingly is forbidden the true believer," he said; and began to repeat: "'O weaver! weave the flowers of Feraghan Into the fabric that thy birth began; Iris, narcissus, tulips cloud-band tied, These thou shalt picture for the eye of Man; Henna, Herati, and the Jhelums tide In Sarraband and Saruk be thy guide, And the red dye of Ispahan beside The checkered Chinese fret of ancient gold; So heed the ban, old as the law is old, Nor weave into thy warp the laughing face, Nor limb, nor body, nor one line of grace, Nor hint, nor tint, nor any veiled device Of Woman who is barred from Paradise!"