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"My dear Princess Catherine Semenovna," began Prince Vasili impatiently, "I came here not to wrangle with you, but to talk about your interests as with a kinswoman, a good, kind, true relation. And I tell you for the tenth time that if the letter to the Emperor and the will in Pierre's favor are among the count's papers, then, my dear girl, you and your sisters are not heiresses!

The disposition on the part of the greater American capitalists to turn their backs upon democracy and ally themselves with European and monarchical institutions was emphasized in a striking manner by the long list of marriages arranged during this period between great American heiresses and foreign noblemen.

He put it on the table in front of Harding. "Fill in Mrs. Eustace's name I don't know it," he added. Harding wrote the name in the blank space, the name of one who, in another minute, would rank amongst the greatest heiresses of the world. "That is the full name," he said as he handed back the document to Dudgeon. He looked at it. "Jessie, is it?" he said. "Jessie Eustace, née Spence.

"Well, not exactly Mademoiselle Dessin," the marquis said, smiling, "but la Marquise Adele de Pignerolles, who is by her mother's side she was a Montmorency one of the richest heiresses in France, and as inheriting those lands, a royal ward, although I, her father, am alive." "But even so," Rupert said, "what can his Majesty wish to have her at court for?"

As an ordinary run-of-the-mill Afanassieff, he was just an unemployed White Russian looking for a job and it didn't take him long to discover that in this democratic country heiresses and their doting papas go nuts over titles.

The maternal tenderness of the countess did not need stimulating by the injunctions of her husband, and she took up the suit with energy. The ladies de Ventadour and du Lude obtained by default letters of administration as heiresses without liability, which were granted out of the Chatelet.

You never said so, yet I ought to have known it; but you see I know nothing of your beau monde, not even that Miss Trevanion is one of the greatest heiresses in England." "Yes, Mr. Trevanion is rich," said I, repressing a sigh, " very rich." "And you are his secretary! My dear friend, you may well offer me patience, for a large stock of yours will, I hope, be superfluous to you."

Duncan, in addition to his own fortune, had married one of the richest heiresses in New England. Prudens futuri, that was Mr. Worthington's motto. The next morning Cynthia, who was walking about the town alone, found herself gazing over a picket fence at a great square house with a very wide cornice that stood by itself in the centre of a shade-flecked lawn.

She yields to her better angel, and gives the story of her life to the patient priest. Armand Valois and Raoul Dauvray have a blessed new bond of brotherhood. They are both lovers. With Padre Francisco, they are a guard of honor, watching night and day the two heiresses. They share the secret consciousness of Natalie de Santos that Joe Woods has in store some great stroke.

The queen's father, Lord Rivers, was made treasurer and constable; her brothers and sisters were matched with great nobles and heiresses; the heiress of the Duke of Exeter, Edward's niece, whose hand Warwick sought for his brother's son, was betrothed to Elizabeth's son by her former marriage.