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It was in this state of mind that she had set the Hebrew's house in order; carried everything of value to the inner cave; removed the plank bridge; closed the outer door, and had taken her departure.

When Bladud walked out to the Hebrew's hut next day and informed him of what had taken place, that long-suffering man heaved a deep sigh and expressed his intense relief that the whole affair was at last cleared up and had come to an end. "I cannot view matters in the same light that you do, Beniah," said the prince, "for, in my opinion, things have only now come to a satisfactory beginning.

So I shall know three foreign languages." "Four!" said Esther, "you forget Hebrew!" "Oh, of course, Hebrew. I don't reckon Hebrew. Everybody knows Hebrew. Hebrew's no good to any one. What I want is something that'll get me on in the world and enable me to write my books." "But Dickens did he know Latin or Greek?" asked Esther. "No, he didn't," said Benjamin proudly.

She was listening with bashful smile and downcast eyes to words such as the warrior had never breathed to her, save in his dreams. All was peace within and without, peace deepening into rapture, even as the sky above appeared almost dark from the intensity of its blue! Such was the Hebrew's dream of Zarah! How different the dream from the actual reality!

But Shaemus died, and all thy father's older brothers, so the gracious Meneptah came to wear the crown. To him fell the guardianship of the Hebrew's treasure till what time he should return out of Midian. Mesu hath returned. Hath thy father delivered to him his inheritance?" Seti's face flamed, but, before he could speak, she went on. "Not so; not one copper weight.

Success did not, however, attend them at first, for on reaching the Hebrew's hut they found it empty, and no amount of shouting availed to call Beniah from the "vasty deep" of the chasm, or the dark recesses of the secret chamber. Pursuing their way, therefore, the small army was soon lost to view in the forest. We turn now to another scene in the wild-woods, not far distant from the Hot Swamp.

Fritz Braun suspended his last looking over his private desk, just long enough to whisper a few final directions to Emil Einstein. The boy had nothing special to report. But the crafty pharmacist well knew how to reach the softest spot of the young Hebrew's indurated heart. "See here," he said, as he drew the boy into a dark corner.

Branwen meanwhile returned to the inner cave, or store, and sat down to meditate on thoughts which had been awakened by the Hebrew's reference to the All-seeing One. She wondered if there was an All-seeing One at all, and, if there was, did He see all the wickedness that was done by men ay, and even by women! and did He see the thoughts of her mind and the feelings of her heart?

And Mikail crossed himself devoutly. The Governor and his counsellors looked at each other, significantly. The priest continued: "The Jews have entered every branch of trade and, worse still, have acquired lands. This is clearly against the laws of the Empire which forbid a Hebrew's owning land. They have crowded into our cities to the exclusion of our own people.

The prince's face took on an insane beauty. In each cheek was a scarlet stain his lips smiled without parting and his eyes glittered. He did not question the Hebrew's story. Something within him corroborated every word. He sprang to his feet and with an unnatural laugh flung his hand above his head. "Now, by Horus," he cried, "I must get back to Tanis. I would ask the pardon of Rameses!"