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Returning swiftly to his abode, he therefore inscribed and despatched this letter, in proof of his resolve: "To the Heaven-sent human chrysanthemum, in whose body reside the Celestial Principles and the imprisoned colours of the rainbow. "From the very offensive and self-opinionated picture-maker.

They had never a doubt as to where they would go. The garden was very nice, but the moor! a heaven-sent playground, miles of freedom, and all to themselves. The thought of having to return at eleven was the only thing that marred their perfect joy; they felt they wanted to have the whole long day before them to cover all the ground and make all the discoveries they wanted to.

Here was a heaven-sent interval, with intellectual companionship in addition to the game of the gods. Being a German girl, Gisela Döring would be aware that he could not marry out of his class, unless the plebeian pill were heavily gilded. To do him justice, he would not have married the wealthiest plebeian in Germany. An American: that was another matter.

She did her best, but with seemingly no avail, and then she had one of those inspirations, which seem almost heaven-sent. Hurrying back and learning that there were still four or five minutes before the curtain would rise, she sought Catherine, who luckily had left her seat during the interlude. "Captain," she said, saluting, "there is one of the crew who needs your help; can you come at once?"

As the captain was about to enter his bedroom, a voice, which sounded as if the speaker was half asleep, called from the third floor. "Is there anything I can do, sir?" asked Hapgood. "I 'ave just been aroused, sir." Daniel turned. Here was a heaven-sent vent for his feelings. "Do!" he repeated. "Anything you can do? Yes, there is. Shut your door and turn in." "But, sir "

Kedzie telephoned Pet the moment she got back from the Viewcrest Inn, and Pet told her of Beattie. When Kedzie drifted into his ken with a word of introduction from Pet Bettany he hailed her as a Heaven-sent messenger. She brought him advertisement, and big fees on a platter. The very name of Dyckman was incense and myrrh. Mr. Beattie smelled gold.

All that can be said with certainty is that the Heaven-sent and valorous Mandarin has not been seen outside the walls of his well-fortified residence since the trouble arose; but, as you carry a sword of conspicuous excellence, you will doubtless be welcome."

On 1 May she would have thanked Eddy politely for his trouble, adding, however, that she would really prefer not to meet poor Joe again. On 16 May she welcomed him as something Heaven-sent. The fact that she was to be employed outweighed a thousand-fold the fact that her employer was to be Joe. It was not that she disliked Joe. She was sorry for him.

Existence was for him henceforth a dreary waste; and yet his only fault had been that in the ecstasy of heaven-sent passion he had over-leaped the bounds imposed by human pettiness. As I read on, his burning words seemed almost intended as a defence.

I told her to send them as much wine and jellies as she pleased, but to keep out of these pestiferous cottages. She only looked at me with those big solemn eyes, and said: "'Father, if I were a professed Sister of Charity, you would call my mission Heaven-sent and glorious; because I am not, you tell me I am foolish and rash.