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Beautiful, young, and artless; bearing a pitcher upon her shoulder, which she hastened to the well to fill for the necessary supply of the family; we cannot imagine a more finished picture of loveliness, or one to which the Miltonian description of Eve, as first beheld by her admiring partner, is more justly applicable: "Adorn'd With what all earth or heaven could bestow To make her amiable; on she came Led by her heav'nly Maker, though unseen.

"Come, let us all be marching on, Into the New Jerusalem; The call is now to ev'ry one To be alive and moving. This precious call we will obey We love to march the heav'nly way, And in it we can dance and play, And feel our spirits living."

Ye'll never smell ut, nor scuffle yer filthy shoes on th' goolden streets. Purgathry! Faix, yer ticket reads straight through, wid no stop-off priv'leges whatever. Th' cindher pit f'r yours! Be th' Rock iv Cashel, I'll l'arn yez to insult th' heav'nly throng!"

The Nymphs and Swains appear in Streets and Bowers As morning fresh, as lovely as the Flowers. As blight as Phoebus, Ruler of the Day, Prudent as Pallas, and as Flora gay. A Spire majestic roars its solemn Vane, Where Praises, Pray'r and true Devotion reign, Where Truth and Peace and Charity abound, Where God is fought, and heav'nly Blessings found.

Alas, my grief! hard hap had I Those dolours here to find, A living death, in hell I lie, Involv'd with grief of mind. 63. I once was fair for light and grace, My days were long and good; I lived in a blessed place Where was most heav'nly food. 64. But wretch I am, I slighted life, I chose in death to live; O, for these days now, if I might, Ten thousand worlds would give. 65.

The gen'rous Flock reward their Pastor's care, His Pray'rs, his Wants, his Happiness they share Retir'd from worldly Care, from Noise and Strife, In sacred Thoughts and Deeds, he spends his Life, To mo'drate Bounds, his Wishes he confines, All views of Grandeur, Pow'r and Wealth resigns, With Pomp and Pride can cheerfully dispense, Dead to the World, and empty Joys of Sense, The Symphony of heav'nly Song he hears, Celestial Concord vibrates on his Ears., Which emulates the Music of the Spheres The Band of active Youths and Virgins fan, Rank'd in due Order, by their Teacher's Care, The Sight of all Beholders gratify, Sweet to the Soul, and pleasing to the Eye But when their Voices found in Songs, of Praise, When they to God's high Throne their Anthems raise, By these harmonious Sounds, such Rapture's giv'n, Their loud Hosannas waft the Soul to Heav'n: The fourfold Parts in one bright Center meet, To form the blessed Harmony complete.

Addison seems to have been impressed with the truth of this sentiment, when he thus expresses himself: "Fain would I RAPHAEL'S godlike art rehearse, And shew th' immortal labours in my verse, When from the mingled strength of shade and light, A new creation rises, to my sight: Such heav'nly figures from his pencil flow, So warm with life his blended colours glow, From theme to theme with secret pleasure lost, Amidst the soft variety I'm lost."

One faith, one union, and one Lord, One int'rest all combining, Believers all, with one accord, In heav'nly concert joining. "Far as the gospel spirit reigns, Our souls are in communion; From Alfred to South Union's plains, We feel our love and union. Here we may walk in peace and love, With God and saints uniting; While angels, smiling from above, To glory are inviting."

Thus, when in heav'nly harmony These blessed saints appear, Adorn'd with grace and majesty, What gladness will be there! 60. The light, and grace, and countenance, The least of these shall have, Will so with terror them advance, And make their face so grave, 61. That at them all the world will shake, When they lift up their head; Princes and kings will at them quake, And fall before them dead. 62.

If then ye being evil know To give your children good gifts, how much rather To them that ask him shall your heav'nly Father. Then what you wou'd men shou'd to you, so do To them: for that's the law and prophets too.