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''Cause mony's the time I hae stud oot there i' the street, hearkenin'. Dooble Sanny says 'at ye play jist as gin ye war my gran'father's fiddle hersel', turned into the bonniest cratur ever God made. 'How did you get such a terrible cut? She had removed the hair, and found that the injury was severe. The boy was silent. She glanced round in his face.

'But eh! Mr. Ericson, I wad hae dune better gin I had kent ye was hearkenin'. 'You couldn't do better than your best, returned Eric, smiling. 'Ay, but yer best micht aye grow better, ye ken, persisted Robert. 'Come into my room, said Ericson. 'This is Friday night, and there is nothing but chapel to-morrow. So we'll have talk instead of work.

The time of day was early for Leeby to gossip, but I detained her for a moment. But he's lookin' for't. He was ben in the room searchin' the drawers when I was up i' the toon in the forenoon. Ye see he pretends no to be carin' afore me, an' though my mother's sittin' sae quiet-like at the window she's hearkenin' a' the time. Ay, an' he thocht I had hod it up here."

"Why, even yo' should know so much," the boy sneered. The little man could not fail to understand. "So that's it!" he said. Then, in a scream, with one finger pointing to the great dog: "And what o' him? What'll ma Wullie be doin' the while? Tell me that, and ha' a care! Mind ye, he stan's here hearkenin'!" And, indeed, the Tailless Tyke was bristling for battle.

"Nane o' yer hearkenin' at the keye hole, though, or I s' lug mark ye, ye !" said Mrs Catanach, finishing the sentence none the more mildly that she did it only in her heart. "I wadna hae ye believe a' 'at she says, my lord," said Malcolm, with a significant smile, as he turned to creep away.

The man had half turned his back as if in final denial of her plea, yet now, after a momentary pause, he turned back again and she thought that there was something like a glimmer of relenting back of his gruffness as he gave curt permission: "Go on, then, I'm hearkenin'." Late into that night they talked, but it was the woman who said most while the man listened in non-committal taciturnity.