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Slowly down the street he went to the hay-yard where his pony was stabled. He met a water man, halting on his rounds at the front of a neat canvas dwelling. The man had three large barrels on a wagon, each full of muddy, brackish water. A long piece of hose was thrust into one, its other end dangled out behind. From the tent emerged a woman with her buckets.

The situation was not to be endured. No word had come from Searle. The world might have swallowed him up. She was sick of him sick of his ways of neglect. And as for Van There was no one to whom she could turn unless it were Glen. If only she could flee to her brother! She thought about it earnestly. She tried to plan the way. Her horse was at the hay-yard.

They fought at a short distance from the hay-yard at Drangar, and there fell two sons of Thorgest, and some other men. After that they both kept a large body of men together. Eirik and his people were outlawed at Thorsnes Thing. He promised that he would return to visit his friends if he found the land. Thorbjorn, and Eyjolf, and Styr accompanied Eirik beyond the islands.

He was serving half a dozen men, and he said: "Gents, what's your poison?" A crowd of half-intoxicated revelers started for Van and attempted to haul him back. He flung them off like a lot of pestiferous puppies, and cleared the door. He went straight to the hay-yard, saddled his horse, and headed up over the mountains. He had eaten no dinner; he wanted none.

I was salted on the 'See Saw' property. Our pipe dream is defunct. Have gone over to lay out remains. If you find any oldtimers who have just discovered some lost bonanza, take them into camp. Don't get drunk, get busy. Be back a little after noon." This he left with the hay-yard man where his partners would stop when they arrived.

Would Beth, by any possibility, attempt to see him come out, perhaps, in the moonlight for a word before he should go? He could not entertain a thought of departing without again beholding her. He wanted to know what she would say, and when he might see her again. After all, what was the hurry to depart? He might as well wait a little longer. He went to the hay-yard. Dave had disappeared.

Van said: "If you two old idiots don't do the lion and the lamb act pretty pronto I'll send you both to the poor house." They had entered the hay-yard, among the mules and horses. Gettysburg promptly reached down, laid hold of Napoleon, and kissed him violently upon the nose. Napoleon wept. Evening had come. The two fell asleep in Algy's tent, locked in each other's arms.

Old Billy went off to wait and returned there duly, enormously pleased by his commission. He knew the way to the "Laughing Water" claim and could ride the borrowed pony. As pleased as a dog with a parcel of meat, entrusted to his keeping by a confident master, he finally started for the hay-yard, with two dainty letters in his keeping.

The furniture in the rooms, the books in the cases, the gilded clocks and grand mirrors about the house, all the implements of wealthy care about the gardens, the corn in the granaries and the ricks in the hay-yard, the horses in the stable, and the cows lowing in the fields they were all hers. She had performed her part of the bargain, and now the price was paid to her into her hands.

You see here and there, between the more humble cabins, a stout, comfortable-looking farm-house, with ornamental thatching and well-glazed windows; adjoining to which is a hay-yard, with five or six large stacks of corn, well-trimmed and roped, and a fine, yellow, weather-beaten old hay-rick, half cut not taking into account twelve or thirteen circular strata of stones, that mark out the foundations on which others had been raised.