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His wife was one Gavinia, and she had no fear of him except when she was travelling. To his face she referred to him as a doited sumph, but to Grizel pleading for him she admitted that despite his warts and quarrelsome legs he was a great big muckle sonsy, stout, buirdly well set up, wise-like, havering man.

Here it was said, that once that night, wandering through the silent glades, and musing on heaven, the loud song of the nightingales had disturbed his devotions; with vexed and impatient soul, he had prayed that the music might be stilled: and since then, never more the nightingale was heard in the shades of Havering!

And beside, sir, I think we were just talking of a lady who is your daughter." Even in his glass he was the gentleman, for he saw the suggestion at once. "Of course, of course, Colin," he said hurriedly, coughing in a confusion. "Never mind an old fool's havering." Then said he again, "There's a boy at many an old man's heart.

On another occasion the improver of Tennyson came across from the Town Hall to the office with the final "turn" of an address which had just been delivered by Mr Bright to his constituents. "I'm in a bit of a difficulty," he explained to me breathlessly, "there's old Bright been havering about in his customary manner and he has been talking about Hercules and some kind of stables.

O, Marion, I'm wae to say this! but ye're owre brave in your sin." "Do ye think I'll e'er gae back to that havering, daunering cuif o' a creature, the Crail bailie?" "He's a man o' mair worth and conduct, Marion," replied her sister, firmly, "than to put that in your power even, woman, if ye were penitent, and besought him for charity." "Weel, weel, no to clishmaclaver about him.

"They will know it is only Penelope's havering," and with this undeserved scoff, she took her mashie and went golfing not on the links, on this occasion, but in our microscopic sitting-room.

She's no tell't me everything, I daresay." "Then I will tell you the plain truth of it," I said. "This marriage was never anything more than the form we all agreed it should be at the time; a makeshift to serve a purpose. If you think I would hold your daughter to it " "Hut, tut, man! what will ye be havering about! Ye'll never cast the poor bit lassie off that way!

We drank it standing; and after would sit before the fire, havering like two love-sick school-boys over the charms of that dear lady to whom one of us was less than naught, and to whom the other could be but naught whilst that first one lived.

In the byre we sat, the heathen and me for we were but simple men in this affair and the byre was a dark place to be sitting, and in a while old Betty came, havering at hens and talking to herself. As she came and stood in the doorway and looked closely within, with her back bent and her hand on the lintel, her eyes fell on the messenger, and she let a great cry from her in the Gaelic.

And old Betty, Betty of eighty winters, sat by the fireside and would look at Bryde with her old, old eyes, hardly seeing, and whiles she would be calling the boy "Young Dan," and whiles havering of Miss Janet, his grandmother. "You will be clever, clever," she would be saying to Belle, "and you will get another man yet. . . ."