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All the same I never believed that report about the hat-boy till someone explained to me that he wasn't allowed to keep his loot, not only having clothes made special without pockets but being searched to the hide every night like them poor unfortunate Zulus that toil in the diamond mines of Africa.

The hat-stands in our swagger hotels make a great deal of money; I know a gentleman who affirmed that a hat which had originally cost him three dollars had cost him eighteen dollars to be got back from hat-checking stands. Cheap people evade the hat-boy.

He certainly does believe in himself for fair! Wonder where he got his education notice the English he writes? And, say going blind! Fancy that! Santa Claus, you overwhelm me, you are too bountiful, you are too generous you'll have nothing left for the next chimney! Deaf and dumb and blind. Really, I do not deserve this I really don't let me at least tip the hat-boy, or I'll feel mean."

The one who orders best, wins. We'll call the game " She frowned thoughtfully. "Call it 'Vittles," O'Reilly suggested. "'Vittles' it is. Maybe it will give us an appetite for supper. Leslie, you begin. Come now, hand your hat to the hat-boy, then follow the head waiter. This way, sir. Very good, sir. Here's a cool one, in front of the electric fan.

Angus begun to get a broader horizon in just a few days, corrupting every waiter he came in contact with, and there was a report round the hotel the summer I was there that a hat-boy had actually tried to reason with him, thinking he was a foreigner making mistakes with his money by giving up a dollar bill every time for having his hat snatched from him.