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In time even the Hattons, who had always heretofore sent their fine curtains to Milwaukee to be cleaned, trusted their lacy treasures to Mrs. Scaritt's expert hands. Chug went to high school on those lace curtains. He used to call for and deliver them. He rigged up a shelf-like device on his bicycle handlebars.

Andy gave one look at the white bird-like apparatus that had flown up beside him so noiselessly, and, being too frightened to recognize Tom's voice, must have thought that he had been overtaken by some supernatural visitor. Andy gave a yell like an Indian, about to do a stage scalping act, and fairly dived over the handlebars of his bicycle, sprawling in a heap on the dusty road.

The two boys leaned forward on their pedals, bent low over the handlebars, and rode as hard as they could. They were not far from the town now and they knew that the occupants of the gray roadster would not dare molest them, when once they had gained the populated districts. Not once did they look back until they were safely within the city limits. "I didn't think they'd follow us," puffed Hugh.

And in the grown-up Morrie's place, under the shells of Ladysmith, she saw Nicky. For Nicky had declared his intention of going into the Army. "And I'm thinking of Morrie," Dorothy said. "I don't want him to miss it." Frances and Anthony had hung out flags for Mafeking; Dorothy and Nicky, mounted on bicycles, had been careering through the High Street with flags flying from their handlebars.

'Poleon heard a cry of pain and dismay, so he halted his team and came striding back. Rock raised himself, then took a step, but faltered and clung helplessly to the handlebars. He began to curse furiously; he undertook to estimate the extent of his injury, then explained: "My foot doubled under me and I came down on it like a ton of bricks. By Heavens! I believe something broke!"

One Sunday morning towards the end of July, a band of about twenty-five men and women on bicycles invaded the town. Two of them who rode a few yards in front of the others, had affixed to the handlebars of each of their machines a slender, upright standard from the top of one of which fluttered a small flag of crimson silk with 'International Brotherhood and Peace' in gold letters.

He took the case containing his unprofitable wares from the handlebars and turned the bicycle over to them, offering no explanations on its peculiarities or parts, speaking only when they asked him, in horse parlance, with humor that broadened as they put off their reserve. On invitation to show its gait he mounted it, after explaining that it had stepped on a nail and traveled lamely.

Promptly, however, came remembrance of the Riverside Park station, a mile ahead of him. Perhaps there was oil there! Clenching his teeth, and bending low over the handlebars, Jack shot on, determined to fight it out to the finish.

It was the nervous reaction caused by your fright, and the knowledge that you had done wrong, that made you jump over the handlebars. That's the scientific explanation." "You you did it!" stammered Andy, getting to his feet. He wasn't hurt much, Tom thought. "Have it your own way," resumed our hero. "Did you think it was a hob-goblin in a chariot of fire after you, Andy?" "Huh!

Two separate times in the past, while flying head first over the handlebars of my bicycle I had broken my shoulder with considerable tearing of ligaments and tendons. At night when I was totally still I felt a whole crew of pixies and brownies with picks and shovels at work in the joint doing major repair work.