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She had that sort of regard for her old governess which prompted her to write from time to time, and to feel glad when the half-voluntary task was accomplished.

The more reflective and self-conscious a man is the more completely will his experience be subsumed and absorbed in his perennial "I." If philosophy has come to reinforce this reflective egotism, he may even regard all nature as nothing but his half-voluntary dream and encourage himself thereby to give even to the physical world a dramatic and sentimental colour.

For three hours Gus remained a half-voluntary prisoner; but, when he judged it safe, he created such a pandemonium that young Hill hurried out of the farm stable, thinking there must be some weird tragedy taking place at the punt-house. He had hurried across and let the trio out. The dervishes got a mixed reception from Biffen's crowd.

I wonder if he is really in love with Susan Posey. Such a simple thing? I want to see him. I have seen so few young men." As Myrtle said these words, she lifted the sleeve a little on her left arm, by a half-instinctive and half-voluntary movement.

Save for little half-voluntary movements and exclamations that were stifled at once, they waited in complete silence. It seemed as if they were at last brought together face to face with something definite. It was nearly eleven o'clock when Dr. Lesage again appeared in the room. He approached them very slowly, and did not speak at once. He looked first at St.

I wonder if he is really in love with Susan Posey. Such a simple thing? I want to see him. I have seen so few young men." As Myrtle said these words, she lifted the sleeve a little on her left arm, by a half-instinctive and half-voluntary movement.

To the right at the head of the harbour shallows the town of Porchester rose among the trees. Mr. Hoopdriver's anxiety receded to some remote corner of his brain and that florid half-voluntary imagination of his shared the stage with the image of Jessie. He began to speculate on the impression he was creating.