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This permitted the marksman to raise the silver foresight of his rifle over a black, charred surface until the hairline of the sight fit into the tip of the triangle cut into white paper. It was a pinpoint target that left to the ability of the marksman the exactness of his bead. The tip of the triangle in the paper was not the bull's-eye.

A group of three men were bunched around the Control Section door, packing smashite in the hairline crack around it. That wouldn't do them any good, but it did occupy their attention. I faded back into the cross passage, and keyed the mike. I had to give them a chance. "This is the Captain," I said.

Patiently he once more created his vision of Thorvald, adding every detail he could recall, small things about the other which he had not known that he had noticed the tiny arrow-shaped scar near the base of the officer's throat, the way his growing hair curled at the ends, the look of one eyebrow slanting abruptly toward his hairline when he was dubious about something.

And when the barflies called his talk treasonable, they hadn't been fooling. Brent said, "Identical, gentlemen, even to the finger-prints; to the very last ridge." Pender's eyebrows tried to crawl up his forehead and disappear into his hairline. "That's utterly and completely ridiculous." Brent smiled.

Riles's hairline had receded considerably, and Kai's hair had long ago turned a tarnished silver, but they both were slim and upright and moved with a lack of effort that made Don feel as though he were dragging a wagon behind him. "I only just found out. Don is secretive, you know." "Don is not good at planning," Don said.

Elizabeth grew whiter and whiter and the dimple in her cheek lengthened into a long, hairline. "I wish I didn't live with you. I wish my mother were alive. She would be good to me!" "Your mother?" said Robert Ferguson; his involuntary grunt of cynical amusement touched the child like a whip. Her fury was appalling. She screamed at him that she hated him! She loved her mother!

You had it on at half power the velocity goes up as the cube of the power doubling the power, then, gives us eight times the velocity Hmmmmmm." He readjusted the slide rule and slid the hairline over a bit. "We can make ten million light years in a little less than five days at full power. "But I suggest we make another stop in six hours.

The man who enjoys detail and takes pleasure in order, system, accuracy, and exactitude, down to the last dot and hairline, ought to know that he is qualified for detail work and has no business trying to carry on or manage affairs in which there is a considerable element of risk as well as many variables.

In the sunlight it gleamed like polished silver, but they could see a hairline break in the metal encircling the center portion. They had found Roger Hunter's bonanza. In the cabin of the scout-ship they broke the cylinder open into two perfect halves. It came apart easily, a shell of paper-thin but remarkably strong metal, protecting the tightly packed contents.

"McNeil chap with brown hair, brown eyes, a right eyebrow which quirks up toward his hairline when he smiles?" "Brown hair and eyes, okay and he didn't smile any." "Chip broken off a front tooth upper right?" Ross shut his eyes to visualize the stranger. Yes, there had been a small break on a front tooth. He nodded. "That's McNeil.